Orwell’S 1984 And Human Nature

There are serious political topics that Orwell touches on in ​1984​, and many overlook other themes. He was felt afflicted because of the possibility that future governments would shift toward totalitarianism. There is a sustainable lesson that comes from this literature, it is the lesson on our human behaviour. Orwell illustrates a dystopian totalitarian community where citizens aren’t capable of expressing themselves willingly because of the constant brainwashing. Winston mentions on this by telling Julia that he and the rest “are not human. ” The Party uses heavy coaching and excessive lies to turn the people into thoughtless dummies.

This is because lies and false information controls the thinking of citizens. By using this kind of persuasion, the government is making the citizens thinking they’re doing the right thing. They accept everything they’re being told without hesitation. Today, neuroscience is teaching that self-expression might be the most important ways for people to connect and grow with each other. We are able to come up with ideas on our own and share them with our pupils. We feel valid when our voice is heard and acknowledged(Glaser). So when the wrong people are being praised, they will feel more entitled to do things to gain more power.

In Oceania, there are two-minute hate sessions that allow people to express an outburst of anger towards Goldstein and others against the government. Hardly any of this expression is authentic because it is something the Party has created to draw attention away form the changes Westfall 2 that happen without people knowing. This happened a lot when the Oceania’s enemy changed but all the hate would be redirected. Not many people had a thought for themselves to even notice the shift. Everyone must wear uniforms and eat bland food. Free time was time is also something people would normally have to decide what they want to do. In Oceanica, things are quite different because it was assumed that you were only alone when sleeping. “Free time” must be spent doing a communal activity in the community center. This was a way for the government to keep more tabs on all citizens in their country. They also dehumanize the Proles by simply saying: “The Proles are not human beings. ”According to Marc Houser, director of the cognitive evolution lab at Harvard University, he believes that “abstract thought is one of the important essences that distinguish us from other animals on earth”(Amy). Language is an important element to what makes us human.

According to Tony E. Jackson,​ ​​it’s essential to our cultural and psychological beings. Speech typically depends on an interaction between two human beings in the same place,​ ​​so when you have a dictionary of words that limits everything you're allowed to say, you lack the ability to communicate superbly(Jackson). The Party knows that they’re using language as a tool. Oceania is on its way to becoming what we might call a regime of absolute alphabetic literacy. ​ ​​“The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton… these words will be actually changed into something contradictory of what they used to be”(Orwell 53). Without words, citizens cannot sufficiently reveal their true selves, ideas, thoughts, and perhaps their discontent with the world that they live in. By eliminating these crucial words, Big Brother gains more power by eliminating individuality. So in this way, language is another technique to indoctrinate others. Westfall 3 In the book, basic wants are repressed, and human nature is something to be ashamed of. Things that we consume day to day, like coffee and chocolate can be found on their black market. They want you to get into trouble for wanting these things. There are other natural desires that are shameful. The government has banned many things that include things like the thought of rebellion, sex, and any choices the people could make for themselves that the government hasn’t already made.

The government depersonalizes the act of sex, and only allows it as a way to create more party members. They consider it a duty to the party. Winston’s wife, Katherine, winces every time she is touched by him. She is repulsed by the act because of the way she was taught. It’s ironic when Julia has sex because she is a member of the Junior Anti Sex League. She thinks nothing more of it than the pleasure. On the other hand Winston believes that having sex is a rebellious act. A strike against the party. When living in a totalitarian government, fear tactics are commonly used. The power of fear and pain is shown many times in ​1984​ and is very powerful. Telescreens and the Thought Police are used to keep people “in check”. The telescreens are everywhere and can even pick up on the quietest whispers. They constantly spew out propaganda. By invading the private places in people’s life with this surveillance system, the people have lost all hope in outlet to voice their opinions. Winston was more determined than others, so he went and bought a diary.

This was very dangerous as is. He continued to write something that he knew could kill him. “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER! DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER! DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER!”(Orwell 18) It was said that thoughtcrime was a thing that could not be concealed because the Thought Police are bound to get you. Party members must always be aware of their emotions that show on their face, this is because the slightest look of discomfort or twitch could Westfall 4 blow your cover. The people fear each other and the government. People weren’t allowed to have a freethought without being vaporized. Room 101 introduced the climax of the novel, it is the torture chamber in the Ministry of Love. In this room, Winston was tortured with the thing he fears most. “Do anything to me… you’ve been starving me for weeks. Finish it off. Let me die. Shoot me. Hang me. Sentence me to twenty years… but not room 101”(Orwell 236). Love is portrayed in an interesting way in ​1984​. Orwell doesn’t just focus on romantic love.

There is love that was shown in Winston's memories. Winston's mother loved her children deeply, enough to sacrifice her own life so Winston could live. Winston’s mother is the only person in the novel that shows love in its true form. In Winston’s time, the Party demands that all love should be reserved for the Party. Because of this, love no longer exists within a family. Children will spy and snitch on their parents. Over time, Winston goes from hating Big Brother, to loving unconditionally. He falls into what the rest of Oceania is going through. Oceania seems to be a country surviving on hate. There is no room for love unless it’s for Big Brother. Big Brother has succeeded and has won the war over Winston. The amount of people like him will continue to disappear because of the amount of brainwashing. The people of Oceania will continue to survive in their hate-based society. They will not thrive or be able to express themselves at all. They will become a product of their environment, lifeless robots, empty shells of what could have been.

15 Jun 2020
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