Overview Of Political Problems In Mongolia

There are many political problems existent in Mongolia. In 2017, the fifth presidential election was held and even though there were more than 66 percent of the people voting, not even one candidate had gotten the needed 51 percent of votes to win, because of this they had to restart the presidental election on July 7th. Before this time, corruption was made up a signifcant part of leaders and as a result of this, Mongolians' daily lives have been affected dearly. According to the article, “85 percent of respondents agree the corruption is a common practice in their country. ”

The way Mongolia runs is quite different from other governments in other countries; to summarize, the president, that is elected by the people, has much more power than the usual president would. The president would act as a head of state, along with commanding and being head of National Security Council. Due to this, elected leaders hunger for power that they're already given, on top of them already being unqualified and non-prominent as presidency. Mongolia actually has a plan to tackle and cease corruption in their country, however they are looking to take prosper with this plan in the 2020. In the meantime, Mongolians have to live with the unqualifed adherence leadership that still exists today.

Another huge problem found in the country is unemployment. The current unemployment rate in Mongolia is 9. 1 percent which isn’t ideal relative to other countries and contributes to a big problem. The reason why is because most workers are not in a valiant environment to work so they can't keep up; they also have to keep up with modern jobs, but they are not caught up with the technology. The non-valiant environment was as a result of the failing economy. So, when the shift occurred and people went from rural environments to urban settings they had no idea what to do. The graduation rates in the country are very low and poor health outcomes have an impact on worker's full and meaningful participation in the economy. The president who won the election is Khaltmaagiin Battulga, he helps out a lot by reaching out to the people, helping out by as many means, and by also showing data of the government’s plan to stop the corruption that is happening in their country, the progress of their plans, and their performance so far. Another solution for this problem is for the president, the government, and all leaders to listen to the ideas of the people. They can get some great ideas to help this problem overall. They can also convene an annual review for the civilian’s organizations and plans on stopping these problems. These solutions can help the government increase in its responsibility and transparency.

We personally think that people should help as much as they can. They can empower all the other citizens to help them. They should fight for transparency and getting access to information about the current problem. The people can create more youth groups and organization to show the president and the government that all the people care and not only the adults. The people of Mongolia can also go on protests to show that they really want this to end. People could also use technology for help. For example, they can make petitions and get millions of sign-ups to prove to the leaders that corruption is ruining the country.

So, in the end, corruption is a really huge problem in Mongolia, and the people there should try to do more things to help prove to the leaders that this is ruining their country. The leaders should also be considerate and help out as much as they can.

31 October 2020
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