Pandora's Open Box: the Emergence of the Atomic Bomb due to World War II

World War Two was among the leading historical points within the history of our planet. World War Two was far and away from the top devastating war within the history of our planet. There have been so many continuous actions during the war, but one was the most important, the choice by the United States to drop atomic bombs. The atomic bomb should have ended because it saved more lives than continuing the war. The official bombing order was signed In July 25, 1945. The bombing order had involved additional bombs for the targets in Japan when called on by the project staff.

In 1960 the general public saw the bomb only as an action to realize an advantage with Russia. Also, one tragic note, by 1946, 240,000 Japanese had died from the bombs. Even now people are still dying from the atomic bomb. One aspect that's a big concern is whether or not to drop the bomb or an invasion would have taken more lives. One source that had given estimates of an invasion stated, 'In a gathering on 18 June the Joint War Plans Committee gave Truman projected death rates starting from around of 31,000 to a high of 50,000'. This number was so much lower than predictions. During the war, the Japanese killed twenty-two to one American soldier, so if had the invasion taken place within these numbers the bomb had saved many lives then.

There are many scientists and nations which will be recognized to helping create the atomic bomb. They thought of the atomic bomb with atoms and fission wasn't conceived overnight. Scientists from New Zealand to German, British, Japanese, and other scientist from across the world all contributed to atomic physics and research on the atom. Most of them who worked on the Manhattan Project were from other countries. The Republic of science wasn't an actual institution but a belief that the scientists of the planet would beat politics and international affairs to share information for the hope at more knowledge. The hand-in-hand connection of politics and international affairs at the time changed the playing field for scientists and knowledge. The planet was within the middle of two world wars at this point period and mass killings were occurring. Most saw a requirement to finish war more quickly to stop further death. The responsibility for the atomic bomb ultimately lies within the hands of the scientists who created the bomb and therefore the politics that occurred.

The atomic bomb was developed within the early 1940s as Third Reich and therefore the American and allied scientists raced to make the primary ever atomic bomb. Still, to this current day, there have only ever been two atomic bombs used during an attack, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. Both atomic bombs are what pushed to the top of world war two however, it had been at the value of the many innocent lives. The atomic bomb had ended one war but started the “Atomic Age” which might have created fear and desperation across many various nations. The creation and development of the atomic bomb were unnecessary because from the past and current world events it's shown that it only causes fear, destruction, and war, not peace. The atomic bomb has spread fear, terror, and uncertainty of the longer term around the world. Immediately after the primary bomb went off, the Japanese were scared and confused on what had just happened to their city. When just days later another bomb was dropped, it caused an incredible amount of panic for them, because the word was spread throughout the planet, it caused more and more talk about where else this might potentially happen. People around the world no longer felt safe where they where but they all couldn’t do anything about it.

In conclusion, World War Two was one among the leading points within the history of the planet, the official bombing order was signed on July 25, 1945, and people around the world were scared and did not feel safe where they where. In this case, the responsibility of the atomic bomb lies within the hands of the scientists who created the bomb and therefore the politics around the world had occurred. If they all ended the bombing order they would of saved many lives.

01 August 2022
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