Importance of Tolerance and Patience for a Peaceful Society: Pakistan

This essay emphasizes the importance of tolerance and patience for a peaceful society, as they enable individuals to put up with those who have different opinions and ways of life, creating a state of harmony that is essential for human progress.

What is peace and tolerance?


Peace is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violent conflict and the freedom from fear of violence. Peace is very essential for the progress of humanity. In general sense, peace means absence of war but in fact peace is a state of balance in which people of the whole world get proper opportunities for development and there is no Exploitation.

“True Peace is not merely the absence of tension but: it is the presence of justice.”

(Martin Luther King)


Tolerance is the virtue of the civilized age. It is the virtue that helps us to put up with those who have different ways and opinions, and outlook on life. It enables us to see always the other side of things, to suffer fools with patience, fanatics without losing out temper.

“The worst sin towards our yellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them that is the essence of inhumanity.”

(George Bernard Shaw)

Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs or behavior that differ from one’s own lead the society toward intolerance which results even in the form of extremism, causes threat to peace.

Society is always a mixture of the people having their own beliefs, customs and rituals. There is always a dominant culture in every society and they have a greater responsibility for the balance in a society. If they all respect each other’s customs, the society will be a balanced and peaceful society. Otherwise, civil wars have been there due to injustice and have destroyed millions of life!

Importance of tolerance in society

Now that we are aware of the meaning of tolerance in a society, we should know why it is so important. Tolerance is needed in all spheres of life, and on every level and in every stage because it plays a vital role in establishing peace and love in all the units of society, from the smallest up to the highest.

Since the world is becoming more and more globalized, it is very important for every single person to show tolerance if wants peace in the society. Today people of different religion, race and color are living and the world has become multicultural and full of diversity together it is very important for everyone to show respect each other and accept each other.

Tolerance is very important to establish loyalty for each other and that loyalty ultimately leads to loyalty for the country. If sentiments of love do not exist, then the spirit of sacrifice cannot be formed. Unless a person loves another he can never have good feelings in his heart towards him, and he cannot faithfully fulfil the rights due to that person.

In this age, lack of tolerance can cause a lot of problems. Lack of tolerance results in disputes and fights. Intolerance drives groups apart and creates a sense of separation between them. There are many cases in which lack of tolerance results in fights and disputes. When there is increased intolerance in society everyone becomes and aggressive and uses violence to prove their point to others

Tolerance can be shown in many ways or in many occasions from religion to politics. Some important facets of violence are Spiritual, Religious, Racial and Gender tolerance. A can disagree with others regarding these matters but at the same time he should respect the ideas and opinions of others and treat them with dignity and honor.

Today our society has become very intolerant and aggressive regarding issues like politics and religion, which is causing many disputes and even war. So in order to maintain peace and order we should be tolerant because the Beauty of the world is in its diversity and without it, the world would be too boring.

Peace and tolerance in Islam

While examining the idea of resilience in Islam, there are some etymological focuses to consider, as there are a few diverse Arabic words that can be utilized for resistance (tasāmuḥ, tasāhul, ḥilm, luṭf, and so on.), each with various implications, none of which is actually comparable to the English expression 'resilience'. Additionally, the recorded setting of the Qur'ān's starting point is to be considered, as its plural setting constrained a plural, 'tolerant' detailing, despite the fact that the precise association among majority and resistance is difficult to bind. As the Qur’anic speaker has an assorted gathering of people, the discourse itself contrasts all through the time of disclosure and the positions the content takes on different religions are additionally educated by explicit circumstances, for example, the Meccan surahs are more tolerant of other monotheistic religions than the Medinan ones. In this specific situation, the inquiry was raised whether there is a connection among resistance and paternalism, and whether, in this way, the adjustment in tone between the Meccan and Medinan surahs is identified with the Muslim people group's ascent to political power.

It very well may be addressed whether this otherworldly perspective on harmony has any pragmatic intrigue to the greater part and whether an instructive segment of this hypothesis is important to bring another age up in this system. Dr Isaacs cleared up that inside the Jewish setting, mysticism and religion don't cover to such an extent, since religion is seen all the more unequivocally as the viable satisfaction of charges. Subsequently, the otherworldly isn't as hostile to commonly slanted individuals all things considered in social orders that characterize religion in a progressively profound sense. In an isolated society, in addition, the yearning for chances to meet up in a profound manner is extraordinary, so that non-political communication has a more prominent intrigue to numerous than realpolitik, which has been extremely insufficient up until this point. It must, notwithstanding, be remembered that such a 'meeting up' is troublesome for those whose every day experience of life is one of abuse.

Another issue is the essentialness of harmony inside families and its association with bigger scale political harmony. For both, the Hebrew language utilizes a similar word. Likewise, harmony in the family is a principal component inside aggregate harmony.

Thus, the Qur'ān additionally puts extraordinary significance on harmony making in residential settings.

There are three conceivable approaches to restrict fundamentalists' emphasis on understanding their perspective in its totality: 1. opposite sides of a contention constraining one another (which regardless of whether the contention is defused with a tradeoff does not fall inside the religious Jewish comprehension of harmony), 2. hermeneutical confinements inside a literary custom, 3. immediate, emotional experience of the significance of human nobility.

The old Hebrew word shalom and the cutting-edge idea of political harmony, as has been seen, don't decipher each other well. It might merit investigating whether this distinction has any connection to the polarity of negative and positive harmony that was referenced in the introduction on harmony in Christian idea. It could likewise be inquired as to whether harmony in the solid positive sense is conceivable without harmony in the negative sense. Another subject that ought to be considered in the parts is the means by which current adherents manage their individual religion's brutal chronicled inheritance.

The topic of whether and how a division of state and religion is a way to harmony can likewise be talked about. This discourse can consider the contrast between an exacting partition and a minor refinement among religion and the state (and maybe additionally different circles of human life, for example, the economy, the sciences, and the family).

Pakistan – a society empty of peace & tolerance

The gripping socio-religious manifestation has superseded all other philosophies of social way of life ignoring the thematic elements of democracy envisioned by the founder of Pakistan. Since 1947, stakeholders used the dominant religious card, which has destroyed the dream of equality in the country. In present day, from Pakistani society, love and tolerance have become expensive commodities.

Intra-faith conspiracies, social hatred towards the downtrodden, hate preaching, ever-increasing intolerance, corruption, nepotism and social injustice has brought the country on the verge of a breakdown. In the emerging Islamic society at the time of Pakistan’s independence, there were two schools of thought that were followed (or that people were compelled to follow).

Firstly, religious scholars did not want to continue the policies of imperialism. Secondly, the quick shift to Islamic ideology polarized the society within the first six months of independence. The stumbling state could not bear the pressure and was forced to bow down before the theocratic ideology against which the founding fathers opposed.

The founder of Pakistan and its first leader, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, famously said, “I do not know what the ultimate shape of this constitution is going to be, but I am sure that it will be of a democratic type, embodying the essential principle of Islam…

Islam and its idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught equality of man, justice and fair play to everybody… Every day there are suicides, mothers are killing their own children, honor killings, forced conversions, unfathomable corruption and false accusations in the name of religion has become the fashion. Smiling, love, tolerance, justice, equality, patience are scarcely seen in the society which are the real beads of the spiritual rosary that showers blessings and prosperity.

Over the years, many issues have been overlooked, which could have provided the building blocks of an egalitarian society. Intentionally or unintentionally, theologically untrained Muslim clerics have been brought to the mainstream, while the government has been devoid of any policy to train moderate religious leaders through public seminaries or the like. The lack of policy regarding social governing bodies represents the weakest aspect of multicultural societies.

We can only hope that all those interested in equality of all irrespective of their religion, caste, gender and sexual orientation will bind their hands together and give the impetus needed to steer Pakistan back on the track envisioned by the founders of the country.

Efforts in Pakistan to promote peace & tolerance

Pakistani society, as early stated, largely affected by extremism, terrorism, and certain non-tolerant groups. For this, both the state and society are making serious efforts to promote Peace & Tolerance in order to counter violent, intolerant, and extremist ideologies in the country.

There are multiple NGO’s, organizations, and dialogues that are being arranged to make aware the audience the need of the hour. Since 1980, cultural and religious extremism had adversely affected the country and in result, Pakistan has lost societal future of cultural and religious tolerance. It’s not too late to understand that extremism and terrorism have become a norm.

Firstly, CPDI (Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives) has been established for this very purpose. The program aim is to develop and promote research-based understanding of social conflicts and intolerant attitudes, and then implement wide-range of initiatives to achieve the objectives of social harmony, tolerance, pluralism, and peace.

Secondly, a program was arranged by SFCG and SPDI collaboration in year 2012-13. “Promotion of Dialogue for Peace Building through Media and Youth Mobilization” was the tittle of the program as it seeks to involve and build capacities of stakeholders such as media personnel, community leaders and youth to contribute in peace building activities. It was a two-phase program. In the first phase, a baseline survey was conducted in 25% of the selected districts in all four provinces. The survey showed that the term conflict is usually understood in terms of violence and has a negative connotation. In addition to this, it was learnt that the interest groups widen the gap between opposing parties to pursue their benefits. In the second phase, SDPI held trainings of the stakeholders. Later, the stakeholders helped form district dialogue forums by community mobilization. The project was implemented in 23 districts.

In addition to this, conferences on national peace and tolerance are being held in multiple universities. These seminars are being used to make aware the students that Pakistani society is very diverse and it needs to be tolerated, that would ultimately bring peace to our society.

To sum up, Pakistani society after being victim of extremism and terrorism is underway the progress to make things better. Efforts like programs, new organizations and NGO’s, and seminars and conferences are trying hard to promote peace and tolerant to this diverse society. We really need to understand the need of the hour and have to work up on our differences, adopting a tolerant approach. Through this way, we could be able to bring peace in the society.


In conclusion, Peace & Tolerance is important for any society. Societies are full with diversities; people inherit or adopt different cultures, traditions, religion etc. It is necessary to be tolerant as being a citizen of the state and give them equal room in the society. Otherwise, if this tolerant approach were missing, it would result in destruction, war or anarchy. That would shatter the peace in the society, as people are less tolerate towards each other. Peace and tolerance go hand-in-hand one cannot exist without another one, so these both must be followed together.

At the end, government is striving hard to promote peace and tolerance. As tolerance comes first, proper seminars and programs as earlier mentioned are arranged for the very purpose of spreading awareness. Pakistani society is no doubt full of extremism but the situation is expected to move towards betterment.

10 Jun 2021
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