Uncovering My Personality Traits: Reflection on a Personality Test

This essay can demonstrate my personality test during this assessment I will replicate upon my career assessment take a look at. Through the reflection I will try and get my strengths and weaknesses alongside the potentiality of future career development. For part A I will replicate on my temperament, emotional control and personality insight and for part B I even have chosen to replicate on my assertiveness and sound decision making.

Temperament assessment shows that I am INTP (Introversion, Intuition, Thinking and Perceiving) sort person. The assessment additionally demonstrates that these styles of persons square measure downside solvers. I do know that extremely like to unravel essential downside and this assessment is additionally showing a similar and that I am really assured with it. I was shocked to check the assessment that this sort of person work least well within the routine tasks. As so much I do know myself I like routine work.

In Emotional control assessment I even have scored eighty four and it shows that I fail to regulate my feeling in some things. Emotional management is very necessary so as to develop the temperament and career for the longer term. I do know that I am somebody however will management it to some extent. This assessment extremely helps Maine to spot my major weakness. Emotional management is my major weakness and that I have to be compelled to management it the maximum amount as potential.

Personal insight assessment demonstrates that I even have high scored in sociableness and conscientiousness whereas get average score in agreeableness, emotional stability and openness. This assessment shows that I fancy to participate within the gathering alongside I am tidy person and extremely union. However, I am open minded person however the common score of openness has shocked Maine. Openness is very necessary for the personality development. This assessment has helped Maine to spot my inner strengths and weaknesses.

I even have scored high in assertive and passive however got low score in aggressive. This shows that I am calm minded and like to add applicable method. However, I am not passive as I perpetually rise up for myself additionally provide worth to others. It is necessary for ideal temperament to be high in assertive and low in passive and aggressive. I am not aggressive person proud of the result on this temperament. I will try and decrease my passiveness so as to develop Maine self-worth.

In Sound decision making assessment I even have scored eighty and it signifies that I even have sensible grasp within the basics of sound decision making however I would like improvement additionally. I am proud of this assessment and it extremely demonstrates my Personality and that I have sound higher cognitive process temperament. However, it's additionally necessary on behalf of me to develop my sound decision making Personality through explaining the choice to others clearly. Moreover, I would like to manage my selections in timely method.


Through this personality test reflection I even have known my strengths and weaknesses. This assessment is admittedly useful for developing my temperament and self-worth. This reflection additionally helps to develop my narrative skills and capabilities. Therefore personality test is critical so as to make the self-motivation.

10 October 2020
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