Preparing To A Natural Disaster

An individual that calls San Diego home should be mostly concerned with a magnitude 7. 1 on the offshore portion of the Rose Canyon Fault. Not only is an earthquake concerning for anyone but someone who resides in San Diego should be concerned because this fault runs through a massive portion of San Diego, stretching from San Diego Bay through Oldtown and Mission Bay and right before it hits Highway 52 it breaks off and heads into the Pacific. The reason why we should be concerned is that it could affect many of the freeway systems, result in a tsunami. But not only could the earthquake result in a tsunami it could result in the slipping of Point Loma but it will result in the destruction of the Midway district and all of the human-made structures and the sewage treatment systems that run through this. Even though this type of destruction is costly and devastating there are some things that we can do to start preparing ourselves and our loved ones for when it occurs.

When preparing to take care of your loved ones before or after a natural disaster like an earthquake occurs, it is always wise to remain calm and try to remain calm is step one. Now if you reside in an earthquake-prone zone one of the first things you should do is learn the “danger zones” and those are the zones in your residence that have some belongings that you believe are prone to collapsing or tipping over. Once you identify these zones either redesign the area so it is less prone to dangers or completely mark that area off the “safe zones” for after the earthquake has occurred. Then I will begin prepping the important paperwork and medications and try to have those all in a central location that are at a place for convenience, but making sure they are in secure locations in the precautionary step that there could be a water or gas leak that could potentially damage the important paperwork. Then everything else in my house other than my pets and my family is easily replaceable, so I would do my best to prepare the furniture and televisions the best I know how for an earthquake but if they got destroyed and I still had my pets and my families health life would go on. I already have an earthquake survival kit that consist of a ton of water and camping gear for making meals, for example, a little stove that does not require electricity, it just requires propane. Since we are theoretically stranded in this circumstance, I would make sure the house is nice and secure depending on the severity and how isolated we are there is the potential for looters. I would mainly prepare for this type of event by just having lots of water and lots of food that necessarily do not require warming or refrigeration. Then if it ever does happen and no one is hurt be thankful that we all walked out unharmed and that we still have each other. Taking the precautionary steps of preparing is one thing that can lessen the effects that this natural disaster can have on our lives. I was thinking some of the most terrifying places to be in when an earthquake happens would have to be an elevator, haunted house, ancient Indian burial ground, a preschool classroom, anywhere that is bustling with lots of people (a mall, apartment building, downtown. ) so it seems like anywhere that is not a one-story house or a nice pasture in Julian seems a terrible place for me haha.

Although I could not ever prevent a earthquake I may be able to prevent some of the potential damage that can accompany one, for example, tsunamis. I currently reside in Tierrasanta, at an elevation of 354 feet above sea level, 21887 meters from Point Loma Sportfishing. I currently work at Genesee Plaza Cleaners, Starbucks and Yog-art which are all relatively far inland. Due to a majority of my professional life and my school life being far enough inland so that I do not have to pay attention to the signs and tsunami evacuation route I have never paid attention to the signs or even thought of what route I would have to take to avoid that sort of natural disaster. I am thinking about all the times I have driven recently and I do not remember seeing signs for tsunami evacuation routes. I frequently go down to the La Jolla, Solana Beach, and Encinitas and I cannot remember seeing signs about Tsunami evacuation routes.

Ocean-crossing tsunamis are created by megathrust earthquakes, which are extremely powerful earthquakes. This type of powerful earthquake is powerful and devastating not only because of the amount of power that is created but because of the thousands of aftershocks that can follow the initial quake. The Cascadia 1700 has a estimated magnitude of 8. 7-9. 2, the subduction zone present at this location began getting increasingly tense. The plate began pushing land upward as the plates began compressing together like a spring being pushed together. Until the spring unloaded resulting in the slipping of the plates, which sent a tsunami onshore and in the opposite direction into the Pacific ocean which ultimately ended up in Japan. There is evidence of this theory because of “ghost forest” and the sediment layers. While the Alaska 1964 earthquake had a magnitude of 9. 2. This was one of the highest ever recorded in US history. It resulted in mass destruction, which included large fractures, landslides, and rising and lowering of parts of land. This earthquake sent shock waves that sent out devastating tsunamis which affected Hawaii, Oregon’s coastal communities and California’s coastal communities and parts of Alaska. The slipping of these subduction plates create devastating tsunamis which can kill and in the circumstance of Alaska 1964 earthquake cause a majority of the deaths.

15 Jun 2020
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