Reflection On Visiting Tu Vien Huong Hai Temple

Buddhism being the fourth largest religion of the world is one way of living our lives according to principles much less worry about what is going on outside but inside your heart its about you what you can do to free yourself, to find enlightenment, however they are not oriented around god but around a man named Buddha who demonstrated on how we create our own suffering. The path out of suffering lies with us by changing our perception of ourselves in our world, we suffer because we want to be perfect but there’s is not such thing as being perfect nobody is, we care so much more on ego but the way not to suffer is to recognize the temporary nature of all things. We can not only become a better person but also encourage ourselves to become enlightened which is the truth of our own nature.

Buddhism have many sects of religion, but today I have visited a Theravada Buddhist temple, also I believe it is a self-empowering religion because not only it engages in rituals but also meditation and contemplation. Their sources of authority includes: the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha also known as the Three Treasures. The Buddha itself is one of them, Buddhists refers to him as a god or a mentor so they can read about his sermons to help them understand his methods better. Dharma is the book where the Bhudda teaches the truth on how things are and Sangha is the people. It is possible that every human in this earth can achieve this experience if they want to be enlightened but this chapter of life can be achieved through many methods and many varieties of teachings. As years goes by, Buddha’s teachings will differ with all the different teachings. Some schools will have different traditions depending on the actual teachers and those that success will eventually become a sect. I did not realize that all the arts and symbols meant something until I reached the main entrance where the door is encrypted with lotuses flowers, which symbolizes purity and dragons for strength and courage. Sculpture of elephants holding a lantern and a Buddha smiling with five kids on him, which represent fortune and positive energies. Before you walk inside of the temple you will see two dragons on each side.

As you enter the temple, in the center you will see a quiet place where you can pray, three gold sculpted kings standing right under a beautiful statue of a goddess also known as Kuan Yin of unconditional love, compassion, and children whether the poor, the sick, the disabled, the unfortunate and those in trouble hoping for a better life and take them to the pathway of enlightenment holding a lotus flower. Some beautiful orchids, oranges, apples and mangos sitting by her as a piece offering from the Buddhists. There was this huge gold bell to my right which can be used when rang to scare off evil spirits or protection. I have witnessed and noticed a couple of women monks which I thought was really interesting as I met the highest ranking monk who is also a woman named Goku wearing an inner maroon robe from the waist to knee and an upper for the torso and shoulder. According to them, you do not have to wear a robe even if you were an atheist or worship god. They do not hold grudges against you or hold biased towards what people wear or their beliefs.

Depending on the sec you go to, some people will wear all white. Other locations might be stricter than others such as wear something that covers your elbow and knees as long as you respect them. Right now, they are upgrading everything and making it even prettier. Some ladies spoke English but most services are offered only for Vietnamese fellows but once it is complete they are going to start holding more English services but I have heard there are open sessions at the center in Homestead. For most religions, especially rituals for Buddhists are important as it gives you a chance or a way to express yourself into our spiritual life that helps us cope and share our feelings. Death ceremonies and marriages are one of them too.

Their calendars vary but the mains one are New Year the most important holiday of the year in many Asian countries, particular food are prepared, music and fireworks for celebration and Buddha’s birthday, honoring him by bringing food and gifts to the locals at the temple. They have celebrated New Year this year February the 16th it happened outside at this very temple with food and music. Hong Kong being the biggest festivals of all Asian countries on this year April 8th.

What impacted me the most was when the highest rank of the monk was leading with the others and they were chanting away their prayers. It was really interesting, as I have never done anything like this before. At first I had no intention of going in and interrupt them as they were chanting but I told myself it will be worth it as I gained knowledge. As I entered I noticed a sign saying please take off your shoes thank you so I took off my shoes, sat in the back and participated in the session. I immediately understood that entering a temple, the home of the mentor meant no dirty shoes allowed as a sign of respect for the Buddha itself.

This temple was quite interesting enough to find, you would not think that they will be a temple not in the main road but in the back hidden behind houses. I allowed myself to go talk to a monk and personally asked her if meditation was a daily activity or only for special occasions and she said meditation is the key to Buddhist practice however it is not only for special occasion but it is encouraged to do so. There was no negative thoughts on the way but I remember this other lady monk shared a story as I was leaving the temple, that happened during her childhood at a very young ago she has made a few trips to the temple every Sunday morning, wearing the clothes that she is wearing now and was taught to always have a positive mind, to stay calm and be happy were the requirements when visiting a temple. After chitchatting with her I had the chance to burn incense a large one as I stood on my knees and prayed. The temple is open every day but I would recommend to come before dark so you can have a good look. After visiting the temple, I had a really good positive feeling and enjoyed every second of it and of course a better understanding of what this religion truly meant.

29 April 2020
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