Resiliency and Adaptability: Key Traits of the Filipino Spirit

Values are something that disciplines a person’s attitude. It is a judgement of what is the importance of life. Human values guide the person on how to interact with other people. In line with this, Filipino values are set of values that Filipinos have historically made impact in their lives. However, Filipino values may be originated into many influences. In filipino characteristics essay will be an attempl to describe their values. 

There are different types of being Resilient. According to McGonigal, there are four types of Resilience. First, the mental resilience is the capacity to motivate oneself to do something intriguing. Second, emotional resilience is the capacity to present emotions when one needs it. Third, social resilience is the potential to reach out to others for help when an individual is asking for it. Last, the physical resilience is the potential to deal with physical struggles as people living in this world.

In addition, as mentioned in the website name “”, Resilience is made up of five pillars. But in this filipino traits essay mention just four pillars. First, the self-awareness of a person is having a fine approach for every trait. It acknowledges the person to comprehend other people. Next, being mindful to surroundings is observing the ideas and emotions from the area without judgement. Then, the self-care of an individual by which is unique for each person. The self-care can be from different ways and depends on how the person is engaged to it. Eventually, the purpose as a human being. It means that having a belief that life is bigger than what an individual may imagine. It is like living life to the fullest.

Showing resiliency at home can be four factors. First and foremost is when times of financial crisis. It can be solved by having debt at first and pay it off immediately and that will be an inspiration to work harder. Second is when times of family problem, like the whole family misunderstandings. It can be solved by having regular talk to each other and being open to family. Next is when times of personal problem, sometimes it can affect not only the parents but also the children. The solution for that is being able to close to each other and being there no matter what. Moreover, showing resiliency at home in times of family circumstances is by accepting the situation and getting over with it. Thus, it can make stronger and happier bond as normal.

Within essay about filipino values and traits it's needed to emphasize about demonstrating resiliency at school, it has four cases. First is in times of breakdowns. Being a student is not easy, sometimes he/she may fail but they have to be strong and keep fighting until the end. Second is in times of pressures; family pressures, professor pressures, peer pressures and many more. But that will not hinder the student from learning because they have to be brave. Third is in times of only believing in oneself. Even the whole world might be against to one’s perception, believing in oneself is what should be the students mindset to be able to keep strong. Last is having haters about one’s confidence. Being confident in oneself is not the problem; it is how other people understand it. Sometimes they misunderstand it, but there are still people who encourage that student to keep on doing the passion. Having a positive mindset is also the reason of demonstrating Resiliency at school.   

In conclusion toessay about filipino values, one form is that this resiliency can be from ancestors and second form is that some of the values may be from the past colonizers. Being Resilient is one of the values as a human being. It is the ability to get over quickly from challenges and difficulties. According to Manuncia, “one cannot help but be amazed at how Filipino Survivors can bounce back from burdens that others would weigh down heavily on other people.” That is why Resiliency is the Key why most Filipinos are known in the whole world for being strong and tough in times of difficulties.

10 October 2022
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