Roe Vs Wade: Pro Life Or Pro Choice

Almost every American election brings “Overruled of abortion” as a topic for discussion and it is does not matter if its election for mayor, governor or president. This disputes for decades and it still controversial and creates annual protests across the country even now. From the website in the article “Roe vs Wade”: we know that in the United States abortions were legal for thousands of years until the late 19th century and then they slowly became illegal. American Medical Association in 1850’s was one of the first who called for criminalization of abortion to reduce competitions between midwifes and homeopaths.

According to the National Abortion Federation in the topic about “History of Abortion”: it was also another reasons to bring this topic for discussion one of them that the kids of new arriving immigrants will dominate because their birth rates were higher than “native” Anglo-Saxons women’s. All of those reasons lead to ban abortion in the US and creates “Back-Alley Abortions” practice which causes annual death for pregnant woman and their babies. This is why abortions should continue because: access to legal, professionally-performed abortions reduces risk of injuries and even death of illegally procedures, baby should not come to this world unwanted and it will also lead to reduce of crime. Opponents of pro-choice are correct pointing that abortion is killing of new life. They arguing that abortion should be counting as a murder. They convinced that killing of innocent human being is wrong, even counting that it has not being born yet.

Pro-life activist usually refer to the declaration of Independence which states that: “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, which among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” and in their opinion abortion is taking away of one of them, right for Life. Supporters of pro-life also refers to the Bible where it states “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13). They also giving some other reasons why abortion should be illegal but those on are main. Most sources suggest that Americans in their majority would rather call themselves “pro-choice” than “pro-life”.

As it states on the Planned Parenthood website in the topic “Roe v. Wade: The Constitutional Right to Access Safe, Legal Abortion”: “73% of American public oppose overturning Roe vs Wade” which is proving that abortion should still remain legal procedures. Of course it does not mean that people want to make abortion acceptable under any circumstance but a least under some minor restriction it should remain available. This restrictions is differs from one to another but main one is that it should be always acceptable if women’s life in danger or if the pregnancy is the result of rape. The prohibition of legal abortion already happened in our history after 19th century but unfortunately it did not reduce the number of woman’s who were looking for it.

According to nbcnews portal in their article “Abortion in the US: five key facts” it states that: “In the U.S. before Roe v. Wade, ACOG says an estimated 1.2 million U.S. women got illegal abortions every year, and says unsafe abortions killed as many as 5,000 of them. “After the Supreme Court ruling, mortality due to septic illegal abortion decreased precipitously,” ACOG said.” It gave only a good background for “Back-Alley” practice, because it is going to be always a young woman who would seek for abortion.

Our society pressure pregnant young girls instead of supporting them, they scared of facing parents, to face embarrassment at school, or even scare of motherhood responsibilities. This is why if we criminalize abortion, many women are going to be out of options and they will seek for unlicensed “black alley abortion”, which leads to sterility or other harm, or even death for them. Some of those girls will attempt to self-induce their abortion by using pills or some other unmedical procedures which may lead to suffer from serious medical problems. Furthermore baby should not come into the world unwanted to be ready for parenthood it is not an easy decision. It requires a lot of preparation, planning and some thinking over to become a parent and it is tough to imagine that kids in their 14-18 years old can be really ready for newborn baby.

New baby should receive all love that it possibly can be delivered to them when woman gives a birth for unwanted kid she would never really love them. It might be a lot of different reasons why woman would want to have an abortion some of them is her income situation, or she might have another kids and she could not take for extra kid or other problems. If pregnancy unintended it might lead for different problems for kid they might have low weight, birth defects or later when they actually born mother would not spend enough time for their education or not provide good care about kids. But even when mothers gives her kid for adoption it is not always best option for them because sometimes they get abused by their new foster parents who takes them just to get extra money.

Finally abortion should remain legal because it’s reducing crime rates by different reasons. One of them it will be no need for “Black Alley Abortion” abortion because doctors will have a chance to make them on a legal base in appropriate conditions.

07 September 2020
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