Marriage Equality: The Fight for Same-Sex Unions in the Philippines

To start with this is same-sex marriage in the Philippines essay in which this topic is considered. A profound reason why citizens are against same-sex marriages and unions is because of ideologies saying that it will destroy the sanctity of marriage as it is a religious connotation, but what really destroys the sanctity of marriage is adultery, neglect, abuse, domestic violence, abandonment amongst others. With this, I am Mica Lorrea David, a member of the debate’s affirmative side with a stand on legalizing same-sex marriage in our country.

As the Philippines enacted civil partnerships for same-sex couples, even with legal rights and responsibilities identical to that of a marriage, the two are not perceived as of equal status and/or value. A civil partnership is seen as a legal contract, while marriage is seen as the most important criteria for celebrating love, loyalty, and even happiness. We can never deny the fact that marriage is vastly understood for its symbolism and religious significance, have you seen someone ask “will you civil partner me?”, no, right? Mostly, civil partners are referred to as “not really married”; banks do not let them have joint accounts; employers refusing to change Miss to Mrs. on documents; forms not including civil partnership as a status option, because the two just do not have the same meaning.

Another reason is that the LGBTQ community particularly those engaged in a relationship does not go after the sanctity of religious marriage, the pointed reason from the Church as they say that same-sex marriage destroys the holiness of marriage itself, but rather they seek the recognition and protection of the State that just like traditional couples, they should be accepted not just tolerated, respected and protected by laws. What same-sex couples want are equal rights, conjugal rights, fist of keen, to be able to adopt among all things; legalizing same-sex marriage for homosexual couples does not invalidate weddings and marriages conducted for heterosexual couples.

In regards to history, Spain itself introduced Christianity in the Philippines as they conquered and converted the remainder of the islands to Hispanic Christianity; and to connect same-sex marriage to the matter, Spain legalized same-sex marriage since July 3, 2005, why can’t the Philippines do the same? The Pope itself said, “if someone is gay and searches for the Lord and has goodwill, who am I to judge?” which means that the choice of marriage for homosexual couples should be a choice associated for themselves only, not in connection of the state and certainly not of the church or any of the religious people. Furthermore, the segregated status and terminology of civil partnership, in itself defines same-sex couples as “others,” the legalization thereby promotes needless to say a stop in promoting stigmatization, prejudice, and discrimination against LGBTQ people.

Former President Ramon Magsaysay said, “those who have less in life should have more in law,” thus legalizing same-sex marriage will protect and recognize their rigid as a family. LGBTQ couples exist as far as our history goes, but they are always ostracized and persecuted for the sole reason of them being against the traditional beliefs and will of the majority. To where we should reduce discrimination and its effects; the society should have been mature enough about these actions, that they are wrong and it’s time to move to a more inclusive society, where individual rights are not bent and trampled by bigotry, misogyny, and homophobia. Homosexual couples have the freedom to express themselves and whom they should love; a choice to associate themselves with the people they want to, after all, it’s a democratic country and equal protection must be guaranteed.

To conclude same sex marriage in the Philippines essay, I have raised my arguments as to why we should legalize same-sex marriage in the Philippines, with an indication that same-sex couples should be given a choice whether to marry or not to marry, to be able to find a family and form a foundation, to never be denied of their human rights, to never be discouraged of their identity, freedom of religion and belief in respecting the rights of those who wish to solemnize same-sex marriage, having the ideals of equality, diversity, tolerance, respect, freedom, dignity and fairness. This change is one of when the time has come – future generations will look back surprised unto why there are laws that prohibited same-sex couples from marrying.

10 October 2022
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