Skepticism Around Online Psychic Readers


Believe it or not, it does not matter but the (sometimes) eerily accurate future or past evaluations leave a lot of people sceptical. Why? Because some feel that it is a calling from above, a higher power, a guardian angel or a deity sending them a guide to help them find a way. Many people do not believe in psychic readers or psychic powers at all because they feel as though it’s a mere fluke based on observation. Others claim that the reason why some readings come out as true is because of the human need to believe that they have a higher purpose resulting in an individual creating parallels with a vague prediction.

The Emergence of Online Psychic Readers

Whatever some people might say, there is no doubt that a significant amount of people still believe in astrology and psychic readings. So, it really is no surprise, as the use of the internet has expanded and settled into our lives, that online psychic readers have also popped up. After all, the internet is most convenient when looking for an online psychic reader – just Google it and you’ll find a whole range of different online psychic readers’ websites with special offers and discounts to attract an audience. This leads to another question: Are They Reliable?

After all, online psychic reading compromises of you talking to someone on a chat box. They even present you with pictures of tarot cards to choose from. But they don’t know anything about you. This makes the experience impersonal and a lot of people believe most psychic readers to be imposters because of this.

However, in a Bustle article about online psychic readers, author Brandi Neal argues that online psychic readers are actually more effective than those you visit in real life because, unlike those people who can observe you and make assertions based on your physical appearance, online psychic readers know nothing about you. This makes their readings accurate in the sense that they will tell you what they see in their cards (or whatever method it is that they use to make predictions). Their work won’t be tailored according to the way you carry yourself or the clothes you wear. It will be solely based on their findings which will make it harder for imposters. Online psychic readers really need to know their craft as they are not convincing a person in front of them but they’re doing it through a computer screen. There’s no theatrics that they can use on the internet, so they have to know what they’re doing. They can either get it right or wrong and the recipient will know immediately.


In a way, online psychic readers actually have it within their powers to rid sceptics of their suspicions. If someone sitting behind a computer screen in a country other than yours can make evaluations on your based on cards or the choices of colours you like, then it’s hard to deny that that person is merely tricking you. If anything, online psychic readers have actually helped to increase believers in the mystic arts more than anything else.

15 April 2020
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