Stanton's Warnings And Messages To People In The Movie Wall-e

In Andrew Stanton's dystopian and post-apocalyptic movie 'WALL-E', several warnings and messages are promoted by Stanton to make sure our planet does not become the same Earth from Stanton's prophetic film WALL-E. His warnings consist of but not limited to over-reliance on technology, the importance of teamwork and how we should take care of our planet and the environment. Using a copious range of techniques throughout the film, Stanton prompts us about the importance of taking care of our environment, and the fundamentals of teamwork and not being over-reliant on technology.

In Stanton's film 'WALL-E', it is determined that over-reliance on technology will only lead to humans becoming into inactive and lethargic blobs of flesh. When WALL-E first arrives on the AXIOM the humans are morbidly obese and have suffered 'slight bone loss'. It is also made evident that everything on the AXIOM is automated and robotic. All the humans travel on hover chairs which were originally 'for Grandma to join in the fun' but are now used as a mode of transport which led to the human’s obesity. A mise-en-scene shows two people conversing to each other despite hovering right next each other. Not only are the humans on the AXIOM lazy, they are not even capable of communicating with each other. Other effects and example of over-reliance on technology shown in 'WALL-E' are: Drinking lunch in a cup which indications movement and the dependence of robots on the AXIOM, humans expect the robots to do everything for them.

In 'WALL-E', Andrew Stanton illustrates the importance on taking care of our environment unless we want to destroy it and make it inhabitable and the effects of commercialism. The Earth shown in 'WALL-E' is brown and barren due to overpopulation and rubbish and is why humans went to live in space in the first place. On Earth, overpopulation and rubbish has not only turned the Earth brown, but also contaminated the soil and destroying the atmosphere which is why Shelby Forthright( the CEO of Buy n Large and the president of America) decided to send people to live in space in the first place. Most shots of the Earth throughout the movie are long shots showing the extent of the rubbish and how even with hundreds of rubbish skyscrapers which would tower over any existing skyscrapers, there is still a colossal amount of rubbish scattered around the ground. Something else which is scattered around the planet are Buy n Large signs (BnL). The company owned by Shelby Forthright which started out as a frozen yogurt company and turned into a company which practically became the biggest retailer on the planet. Throughout the movie several buildings can be seen with the Buy n Large logo such as a megastore, ultra-store and a gas station. Buy n Large is a symbol of commercialism and power. Despite most of the rubbish and pollution being caused because of Buy n Large, Buy n Large brainwashes people into thinking that Buy n Large is in fact innocent and not to be held accountable for. Advertisements for Buy n Large use a energetic and some-what hypnotic voice to trick listeners into their products and on the AXIOM babies and kids are brainwashed from a young age to like Buy n Large “B for Buy n Large, your very best friend”. Buy n Large was so influential that it caused Shelby Forthright to become the president of America. Not only does this give Buy n Large even more power over a whole country, this means that Buy n Large is running America and not even the Government. This is why everyone moved to the AXIOM as the president told everyone to. Stanton declares that for a functional society to thrive and live power must be distributed equally and that for a healthy community to succeed, we need to take care of our planet.

In Andrew Stanton's dystopian and post-apocalyptic movie 'WALL-E', several warnings and messages are promoted by Stanton to make sure our planet does not become the same Earth from Stanton's prophetic film WALL-E. His signals consist of but not limited to over-reliance on technology, the importance of teamwork and how we should take care of our planet and the environment. Using an extensive range of techniques throughout the film, Stanton prompts us about the importance of taking care of our environment, and the fundamentals of teamwork and not being over-reliant on technology.

In Stanton's film 'WALL-E', it is determined that over-reliance on technology will only lead to humans becoming into inactive and lethargic blobs of flesh. When WALL-E first arrives on the AXIOM, the humans are morbidly obese and have suffered 'slight bone loss'. It is also made evident that everything on the AXIOM is automated and robotic. All the humans travel on hover chairs which were originally 'for Grandma to join in the fun' but are now used as a mode of transport which led to the human’s obesity. A mise-en-scene shows two people conversing to each other despite hovering right next each other. Not only are the humans on the AXIOM lazy, but they also are not even capable of communicating with each other. Other effects and example of over-reliance on technology shown in 'WALL-E' are: Drinking lunch in a cup which minimises movement and the dependence of robots on the AXIOM, humans expect the robots to do everything for them.

In 'WALL-E', Andrew Stanton illustrates the importance of taking care of our environment unless we want to destroy it and make it inhabitable and the effects of commercialism. The Earth shown in 'WALL-E' is brown and barren due to overpopulation and rubbish and is why humans went to live in space in the first place. On Earth, overcrowding and debris have not only turned the Earth brown but also contaminated the soil and destroying the atmosphere which is why Shelby Forthright (the CEO of Buy n Large and the president of America) decided to send people to live in space in the first place. Most shots of the Earth throughout the movie are long shots showing the extent of the rubbish and how even with hundreds of rubbish skyscrapers which would tower over any existing buildings, there is still a colossal amount of debris scattered around the ground. Something else which is scattered around the planet is Buy n Large signs (BnL). The company owned by Shelby Forthright which started as a frozen yogurt company and turned into a company which practically became the biggest retailer on the planet. Throughout the movie several buildings can be seen with the Buy n Large logo such as a megastore, ultra-store and a gas station. Buy n Large is a symbol of commercialism and power. Despite most of the rubbish and pollution being caused because of Buy n Large, Buy n Large brainwashes people into thinking that Buy n Large is, in fact, innocent and not to be held accountable for. Advertisements for Buy n Large use an energetic and some-what hypnotic voice to trick listeners into their products and on the AXIOM babies, and kids are brainwashed from a young age to like Buy n Large “B for Buy n Large, your very best friend”. Buy n Large was so influential that it caused Shelby Forthright to become the president of America. Not only does this give Buy n Large even more power over a whole country, this means that Buy n Large is running America and not even the Government. This is why everyone moved to the AXIOM as the president told everyone to. 

Overall, Stanton declares that for a functional society to thrive and live power must be distributed equally and that for a healthy community to thrive we need to take care of our planet.

16 August 2021
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