Taoism vs Buddhism: a Comparison of the Two Prominent Spiritual Traditions

Taoism and Buddhism are two prominent philosophical and spiritual traditions that have greatly influenced the lives of millions of individuals across the globe. Rooted in ancient wisdom and offering unique perspectives on existence, these traditions have captivated the hearts and minds of seekers of truth throughout history. In this essay, we will explore the intriguing interplay of Taoism vs Buddhism, delving into their fundamental beliefs, practices, and philosophical underpinnings. By examining their similarities, differences, and the ways in which they have shaped individuals and societies, we can gain a deeper understanding of these profound paths towards enlightenment and self-realization. Through this exploration, we seek to unravel the rich tapestry of Taoism and Buddhism, shedding light on their profound significance and the profound impact they have had on individuals and cultures throughout time.

Introduction to the Main Features of Taoism

Taoism often referred to as “Daoism” is a extremely old religion, dating back to the 6th century B.C.E. Founded by Lao Tzu (credited for writing the main book of the taoist religion), this religion promotes balance and equality of the universe and nature. Many popular things have sprouted from Taoism like meditation, tai chi, and fung che. Taoism is generally found across Asia and surrounding countries but has gathered a rather large following, as it promotes the idea of everything being equal, no matter what it is. Many Taoist ideas have been accepted by others like the Yin and Yang symbol. Taoism does not have any predominant “gods”, but they do worship the deities of their religion by giving offerings and incense to appease their anger and keep them pleased. There are eight “pillars’ or trigrams and each highlight a different part of Taoism and a different deity for each of the parts of the trigrams.

The religion's founder is often referred to as Lao Tzu, who wrote the original book of the taoist religion. Many scholars and “history buffs” often argue that he never existed, as there is little evidence to point towards him being an actual person. Many people have speculated that he is either a “pen name” or was made up by a collection of writers and referred to as the inventor of taoism to create legitimacy for them to spread his religion instead of thier own. Taoism originated in the 6th century B.C.E. and became a widespread religion soon after, with it being adopted by the royal families throughout the ages. Mind you, all religions do have their struggles and (Taoism was no walk in the park) Taoism had their struggles in the past with uprisings and rebellions. Taosim originated in Ancient China and quickly spread. From there it quickly snow-balled, taking over nearly all of Southern Asia and, as the age of planes, trains, and steam engines came along, the rest of the world soon began to receive immigrants of this religion as well.

The main core teachings and beliefs of Taoism are found in the only sacred text in the religion; Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu. The book is composed of a series of poems that can be considered a work of philosophy. Basically it’s a how-to book on how to achieve a balanced life. It was written over 2400 years ago. If someone looked at this text too hard, trying to find the meaning hidden in the words, the whole concept of the book itself will be lost.

This religion has 3 main rituals that are performed regularly: Tai Chi, Acupuncture and Feng Shui. Tai Chi is intended to return the body and mind back to the natural state as well as to bring a person back into harmony with the Tao. The moves of Tai Chi are intended to help the flow of Chi energy, the force that flows through all living things. An imbalance in the body occurs when Chi meets some sort of blockage in the body. This can be fixed by means of ancient Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Acupuncture is a procedure involving thin needles inserted into the body at certain pressure points. This helps restore the flow of Chi in the body. The last of Taoist rituals is the act of Feng Shui. It involves the act of arranging all the things you surround yourself with on a daily basis in harmony with the Tao. It is thought to have originated from the ancient farmers of china thousands of years ago. They looked for a safe space where families could live and determine safe burial grounds for relatives. Over time, people started using Feng Shui on larger and larger buildings and places, such as; Palaces, villages, government buildings and even cities. They believed that the earths energy affected living spaces and influenced their occupants. Over centuries, it has formed into what it is today.

Buddhism: the Religion of Mindfulness and Self-Development

Buddhism is the fourth largest religion with over five hundred and twenty million followers right behind Hinduism. Buddhism is a religion of personal improvement and development. Enlightenment is the goal of Buddist. Long story short he searched for the reason of suffering and he became enlightened when he reached Nirvana. The Buddha was searching for enlightenment which was a slow and challenging process for him to undertake. Siddhartha was born in what is now known as Lumbini, Nepal. Buddhism really was born in northeastern Asia, and after the Buddha’s death the religion grew and shifted tremendously. The reason Siddhartha became Buddha was due to him finding enlightenment through the path of rebirth. Buddist believe in Nirvana which is basically the equivalent of Heaven. Buddhism today has impacted the world in many ways including, gender equality, creating a trend of mindfulness, spreading to new countries possibly stopping a conflict.

Buddhism is a religion in which men and women have an equal spiritual opportunity, yet not the same opportunity power wise. has been not giving both genders just opportunities to become practicing Monks. No woman can be ordained as a Theravada Buddhist nun or bhikkhuni in Thailand.  However, in other countries it is different and women can practice as monks and be accepted. In Thailand, the reasoning for push back against women is that when you are reincarnated. In the early days of Buddhism, the texts had views on allowing females to be able to practice being monks, ‘Bhikkhuni sangha’. Overall today it is more difficult for females to be monastics and it requires more work to practice. However, in Buddhism both males and females are capable of reaching the same level of enlightenment it is just a political and historical confusion and misinterpretation which has led to this. become country with a very large Buddhist population with over 85 percent of all people practicing has a rule that men are the only ones who can be practicing monks.

Mindfulness which is taking your attention on the present moment is a major impact of Buddhism today. To practice mindfulness, you do not need to identify as a Buddhist. The vast majority of the world’s Buddhists do not meditate. But it is true. Among the 250 million or so Buddhists alive today, only a tiny fraction have a regular meditation practice. Many forms of meditation came from Asian from Taoism and Buddhism. Today many therapists prescribe mindfulness regularly to treat certain mental illnesses. The first written records of Vedantism, which is meditation is traced back to 1500 BCE. Thousands of years ago Buddist already knew that being mindful and taking a pause in their life was a valuable thing. Being mindful allows people to let go of thoughts and desires which is a key principle of Buddhism. Buddist did not only practice mindfulness to be calm they use it to reach enlightenment just like the founder Siddartha.

Buddist follow rules that they adhere to very closely, which has helped them avoid violence on a large scale. One of the major aspects of Buddhism is that one shall not kill another. There are many rules of Buddhism that are good that most would generalize as good. The Silk road which went from China to Rome went through many countries sending goods around the world. Not only did Buddist protect and care for travelers they also built connections with other cultures and withheld peace by creating an understanding between them. In history, this point proved the turning point of Silk Road Buddhism for the next some centuries. Asoka invented a new method to propagate Buddhism through edicts or inscription different language beyond the territory of present India. The Buddha started Buddhism with the idea of loving your enemy no matter how much he or she hated you this is what created peace. The Silk Road combined many cultures which opened up people to see the similarities between each other which begun a time of culture sharing at a fast rate. The teachings of Siddartha were taught along the road, the three Universal Truths, the Four Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path.


The study of Taoism and Buddhism reveals the depth and complexity of these spiritual traditions. Both paths offer valuable insights into the nature of existence, the pursuit of inner peace, and the quest for enlightenment. While Taoism emphasizes harmony with the natural world and the cultivation of a balanced life, Buddhism focuses on the understanding and transcendence of suffering through the Noble Eightfold Path. Despite their differences, Taoism and Buddhism share a common goal: the liberation of the human spirit from the constraints of worldly desires and attachments.

21 Jun 2023
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