Teenage Pregnancy: Exploring Causes and Impacts

In most countries, teen pregnancy is frowned upon, and teenage mothers are often subjected to socioeconomic disadvantages and social exclusion. Teenage is a critical stage in a person's development, marked by physiological changes and psychological conflicts. In this situation, discovering that one is pregnant as a teenager can be surprising and even traumatizing for both the woman and her family and friends. Teenage pregnancy, in scientific terms, is the phenomenon of pregnancy in females under the age of twenty. This is teenage pregnancy essay Introduction in which I want to discuss this topic.

Teenagers are compelled to explore their bodies as their sexual development progresses. They also participate in unprotected sex due to a lack of sex knowledge, ultimately becoming teenage parents. Community or environment plays also a big role here. If the teenagers are surrounded in a community with teenage pregnant also. Teenage pregnancies are most common among teens from low-income families who don’t have a proper sex education background and family planning.

Another factor here is that the topic of sex is being a not good topic or a disgusting or awkward topic. Parents and even teachers in schools are often reluctant to participate in sexual discussions. For example, I studied in a catholic school and they're not open to that kind of topic. Even my science teacher can’t even discuss the male and female organs well because we are in a catholic school. Due to a lack of resources on sexual literacy, teens seek advice from their peers, which contributes to them having erroneous ideas about sex. Teenagers have a limited understanding of the problems surrounding sexual intercourse and contraception use. The mass media's glorification of sex is another explanation why most adolescents lack the moral outlook that prevents them from participating in irresponsible sexual activities—underage alcohol and substance addiction is another factor leading to adolescent pregnancies. Teenagers who seek social recognition from their peers often engage in binge drinking, which causes them to lose their senses and ultimately engage in risky sex.

As a student nurse, I want to ensure to teach them about teenage pregnancy, family planning, and most importantly contraceptives. I want them to understand the possible effects of teenage pregnancy. That they should still go to health centers even if they are shy that other people might judge them. The community should be open-minded and they should open their eyes to what is happening to their surroundings and how it is affecting the teenagers. Adolescents should serve as good role models to these children not influence the children to be pregnant at a young age. The parents should keep an eye on their sons or daughters and they should teach them at a younger age. They must teach them already at a young age. And be open to answering the questions that their children have.

10 October 2022
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