The Analysis Of Philip Rothmans' Article "Socio-Economic Status & The Values Of Junior High School Students"

In Philip Rothmans article titled Socio-Economic Status and the Values of Junior High School Students he analyzes the relationship between Socio-economic status, and the value of education amongst Junior High School students. By choosing this relationship, Rothman has identified two variables of observation. Those variables include socio-economic status, and values. Rothman provides readers with several indicators that assist with the conceptualization of socio-economic status.

He suggests that first socio-economic status is indicated by both economic viewpoint and financial status. Rothman (1954) states that: “From the economic viewpoint, there has been awareness of the limitations of our free public school system with respect to general availability. There has been much concern with the need to make equal education available to all regardless of financial status.” These indicators are then followed by another idea that socio-economic status can be indicated by status or prestige of the children’s parents.

Rothman’s (1954) study revealed that: “A second dimension of socio-economic status which has concerned educators is that of status or prestige. There can be no question that schools have been most readily influenced by those segments of the community holding status positions. Curriculum plans have reflected to a great extent the wishes and needs of the higher-status elements of the com- munity. Even the treatment of students in the school and in the classroom has been likely to reflect the prestige position of the student's family.”

Rothman’s last indicator for socio-economic status in his study is the way of life and a pattern of values. He states that “Socio-economic status is described as involving not only economic position and prestige, but also, and perhaps even more importantly, a way of life and a pattern of values.” By identifying these indicators readers are able to nominally define socio-economic status. Rothman (1954) uses the work of Martin B. Loeb (1953) which states “"Because of the prolonged intimate relationships especially during childhood, each social class develops a pattern of behavior and a value system which differentiates it from the others. This is the theme that runs through the many ways in which one may look at social class in America." This suggest that because socio-economic status is indicated by class, varying classes develop certain patterns and values to create distinction amongst them.

In Rothman’s study he identifies his given methods of measurement for socio-economic status. His choice of measurement was the Warner Index of Status Characteristics. Rothman (1954) states that “Two sample groups were selected by using the Warner Index of Status Characteristics a procedure that provides a means of identifying socio- economic status through combining ratings of occupation, source of income, house and neighborhood.”

11 February 2020
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