The Cause And Impact Of Corruption On The Philippines

We know that corruption is an abumination because it has stolen the people's funds and this is also why the Filipinos are suffering so far, and this is the reason why most of hospitals in the country are lack of nurses, doctors, medicines, and modern equipment and also poor quality of public education in schools because of lack of teachers, books, rooms, and facilities and less the enterprising business in the country that causes the workforce and migration of our countrymen to separate them from their families, they will sacrifice to raise their family and to educate their children, and corruption is also a serious problems in need.

An effective solution because as long as many Filipinos are effected, and many are also hungry and losing their homes because of extreme poverty, and because of the corrupt officials abusing their power they are too greedy for money they just want them to grow and they are not thinking about their neighbors, and they also avoid providing enough information about own wealth or project costs, and as of what I have read and it is the most painful thing to hear from the Filipinos because the Philippines in the most corrupt government in the world so it is uncomfortable for others to invest or help in our country. As well as what I heard earlier they typhoon Yolanda was more than eight billion being given by sixteen countries like Australia, Taiwan and America for the poor? Do they just pocket all this? And another here in 2013 that the pork barrel happened to be a big congressional escort. Based on the investigations, more than ten billion were pocketed by Naples and other members of the congress. More than 900 million pesos have lost money from the lunar gas field but why are the politicians in our country so frustrated? And we are so corrupt. Ridiculous in another country. Sometimes many Filipinos are asking how to deal with corruption?

There are so many solutions to corruption that most governments only make a solution there because corruption comes from governments that robbed the people's locks so the Filipinos are suffering. But for me it will be solved if it is to focus on the president and the government. If this is their focus in our country can be resolved immediately and should be resolved immediately because it affects so much as the poor, They are struggling to get their daily food the more they will suffer if corruption continues to occur. It's painful to think that while we were suffering.

The Filipinos continue to Thrive in our country's thieves and they are no longer in the habit of doing their jobs? They are trying to find their neighbors who are suffering and have nothing to eat and those who are sleeping on the street because they have no place to live, because they are supposed to be in such a way that the resolution of corruption will be easier, so that our country will flourish and recognize it's one of the richest countries in the world.

15 April 2020
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