The Description Of Different Conflict Types

Conflict is classified into the following four types:

Interpersonal conflict is basically a conflict between two individuals. This usually happens due to how both the individuals are different from one another. There is a difference in personalities which often results to incompatible choices and opinions. But this is known to be something quite natural, as it can gradually aid in personal growth or developing a relationships with other people. Moreover, coming up with adjustments is required for dealing this type of conflict. Nonetheless, when this type of conflict gets a bit too destructive, searching for a mediator wouldn’t be a bad option as they can help immensely and have the issue or issues resolved.

Intrapersonal conflict happens within an individual. The experience all unfolds in the individuals mind. Thus, this conflict is linked with psychological factors involving the person’s thoughts, values, principles and emotions. Interpersonal conflict usually consists of different scales, for example, deciding whether to go organic or not for lunch to ones that can have a huge impact on major decisions such as choosing a career path.

In addition, intrapersonal conflict can be a bit tricky to deal with if you find it difficult to identify your inner struggles. This can lead to uneasiness and restlessness, or in very unfortunate cases, it can even cause depression. In these circumstances, your best bet would be to find a way to eliminate and let go of the anxiety by interacting and communicating with other people. Ultimately, once you have got yourself out of the predicament, you can become more empowered as an individual. Hence, the experience evoked a positive change which will in turn only benefit you in your own personal growth.

Intragroup conflict occurs between individuals within a team. This essentially arises from interpersonal disagreements. For instance, the team members all have varied personalities and a difference in opinions and concepts which can possibly lead to tension. However, if conflict unfolds within a team, it may be helpful in coming up with decisions which will in due course, permit them to accomplish their goals and objectives as a team, collectively. But if the degree of the conflict disrupts harmony between the individuals of the team, then guidance will be required from a different party in order to settle or resolve the issues.

Intergroup conflict occurs when a misunderstanding is made among different teams within a company. For example, the sales department of the company may have some sort of conflict with the customer service department. The reason for this is purely due to the different sets of objectives and interests of these different departments. Furthermore, competition also plays a role and contributes heavily for intergroup conflict to arise. There are other aspects which can fuel this type of conflict. Some of these aspects may involve a rivalry in resources or the boundaries agreed by a group to others which creates their own identity as a team.

I believe teams have to show assertiveness, demonstrate other skills and qualities such as showing good communication skills with other team members, to be listening effectively to other team members’ opinions, expressing your thoughts of their ideas and tell them how truthfully you feel of their views. For a team to succeed in meeting objectives, I believe that it is essential for a team to be organised. Being organised will benefit the team as they are prepared for any tasks that will be given to them; it will help the team to gather information that should have already been prepared beforehand. This organisation skill will ensure that all team members cover what only needs to be covered, therefore this will save a lot of time for the team as they will have an understanding on what they need to do to meet their objectives.

Conflict may look as if it a major problem to some people, but this isn’t the way conflict should be anticipated. On the other hand, it provides an opportunity to grasp on for growth and can be an effective means of opening up more between groups of people or individuals. Nonetheless, when conflict starts to show signs of a lack of productivity and gives way to more conflicts to unfold, then conflict management would be required at some point in order to come up with a resolution.

18 March 2020
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