The Development Of Computer And System Sciences

Computing is a process of calculating and determining something by mathematical and logical methods. Many early civilizations develop their own unique means for storing and processing numerical information such as analog astronomical computers and mechanical computing machinery. According to modern computing world computing is a sub branch of computer science, mathematical, logical and arithmetical processes. At early ages computing is not started as a discipline. There is however, no birth date for computing as a discipline.

Modern computing emerged in the early 1900s from development of computing machineries, these machineries are develop to solve various important problems related to medical, science, business, seafaring etc. Modern computers are built in 1930s - 1940s. Most of the computers are developed to solve engineering problem. Hardware is improving very fast in groundbreaking innovations but software is a new thing, software couldn’t relay on the principals of electrical engineering for instance that hardware could. It is very difficult to come up with the well working solutions for building and manage software because that was a completely new concept. As computer is improving very fast software becomes a very big problem in 1960s and it is called software crises. These crises are occurred because hardware was getting complex rapidly, programs are growing unmanageable, shortage of software experts, fast coding is used instead of clean coding hard to understand later by anyone, no customer understanding and satisfaction, bad programming habits, very few choices for buyers in the market. Then in 1968s software engineering was introduced in this they started engineer software using engineering management principals. At first it took a very slow start because it was not cleared that what exactly software engineering mean. Over the time it gain acceptance as academic discipline. In 1960s mini computers are introduces which are smaller and cheaper basically for the smaller organizations. In 1970s the microprocessors that are smaller and cheaper so the people could have their own computer in offices or in homes. In 1980s IBM Apple Macintosh introduce, graphical interface gain popularity and gaming industry growing faster. In 1990s computer started to be a part of all kind of products cars, household appliances etc. Also the WWW came around that time.

Computing as a science means it is used as a science like (science of computer, model/ limits of computing, data, information and information processes, algorithm, complexity, rules, system, designs etc.). There are three different views to look at computing as science from different angles (Theory first, Phenomena first, Design first). Computer science have many element that are mathematics, engineering, design and art, experimental sciences, humanities, psychology/cognitive science, social science, political science, business and economics etc. everybody sees it according to his view/need. Computing for science means that computing as a change agent in other sciences.

11 February 2020
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