The Difference Between Distributive & Corrective Justice


Similarities from all religious system is that they all believe in a higher power, as well as good and evil and the only good, only comes from god. There are three types humans rely on to keep their faith, which are: Individual conscience, religious authorities and holy scriptures.

Also, as some of us are religious believer we make moral mistakes and ethical right or wrong decisions all the time. 1ST, Individual conscience, subconscious can play a big part in a human’s behavior whether that person thinks it’s doing the right/wrong action. 2nd, religious authorities, every religion has a mentor, or what I like to call leader where they follow and listen rather than making their own decisions. 3rd, Holy scriptures, other religions rather follow “what was written” in the past as mentorship.

Three basic approaches that explain human behavior are: Biological factors, which explains that certain behaviors were born with, inherit from parents. Another one is, learning theories, which indicates on what type of environment an individual grew up in. Therefore, these behaviors were taught and learned. And lastly, Kohlberg's Moral Stage theory, which it happens on stages through physical growth.

The difference between distributive and corrective justice is that, both societies have their own rule about right or wrong, also distributive believe richness, work and rights can be equally shared within a community and corrective believe, an individual need to be treated accordingly to the law (due process). Police officers have the discretion to make some decisions in their own.

Unfortunately, those decisions can be judged, and it’ll be the police officer’s fault. Some of these ethical dilemmas are: discrimination, there was a time in New York, where stop and frisk were allowed but didn’t last long since police departments were getting sued for malpractice of the law, since they were targeting only a certain race. Another one was investigation practices, which goes along with stop and frisk, which raised ethical issues.

And lastly, the use of force, over the past few years, there have been lots of complain whether police officers are using the right amount of force for certain situations, which made few departments have to change their use of force policy. Every state, different rules but usually its 4 “S” describing the use of force, shout, shove, show and shoot from non-lethal to lethal. Any department carry a bad apple, referring to police corruption.

Some identified are: police brutality, excessive use of force, false arrest, unwarranted searches as a few only. Some ways to reduce police corruption/ misconduct, a great one the use of body cameras, to be able to record a situation, it helps facilitate a case whether something happened or not. Add more training and get evaluated, as well as punishment by the law accordingly if found guilty. Police officers play an important role in our society, they are not only crime fighters but also public servants. Meaning, they help the community improve but some may say it can’t be done because the two are inconsistent. How do you prevent and eliminate crime at the same time? Police departments found a way which is to have sub-departments within a department to multi-task accordingly.



03 December 2019
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