Long-Lasting Disputes: Democrats And Republicans

Disputes between two sets of people can sometimes take years to end, or sometimes never end, like whether dogs or cats are better, or if Michigan will finally beat Ohio State, (even though they never do) and the political parties can have disputes like that as well, even some that seem as childish as an animal species. Democrats support higher taxes to provide more services for the less fortunate. They believe that the wealthier people should have a higher amount of taxes. They also support government spending on social services and less spending on the military. I believe that I am a democrat because I believe that there should be more spending on social services for middle to lower class citizens and that taxes should be raised. I discovered that I am a democrat because I sided with them on many topics including health care, education, taxes and economy, drugs, and the environment.

Health Care

When I think of health care, I believe that it should be free. Democrats fight for free services and believe that the wealthier should pay higher taxes. “Democrats have been fighting to secure universal health care for the American people for generations, and we are proud to be the party that passed Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act. ” (https://democrats. org/where-we-stand/the-issues/health-care/) Republicans believe that healthcare needs reform that puts their doctors in charge not bureaucrats in Washington. In 2010 the health reform was passed. After the Affordable Care Act was passed, more than 20 million people receive health care that would prevent them from going into debt just for seeing a doctor. With more than 2. 3 million young adults that have new health care can stay on their parent's insurance until they are at the age of 26. The Affordable Care Act was able to extend Medicaid to multiple more states, growing the enrollment by 26%, with more small businesses can provide employees with medical coverage, and healthcare spending hitting its lowest level.


Education is what makes the United States run. Without stable education systems, people won’t be able to be successful. Children should be able to go to school knowing that they are getting a quality education from people who care about them. “Democrats know that every child, no matter who they are, how much their families earn, or where they live, should have access to a high-quality education, from preschool through high school and beyond. ” (https://democrats. org/where-we-stand/the-issues/education/) Republicans only think that children shouldn’t be sent to a failing school. A child should have access to education from the time of preschool to secondary school whether its college or trade school. If taxes were raised, and college was free, more people would be going to college and there would be more people working better jobs, lowering poverty and the economy would be brought back up. “When poverty rates decline, however, there usually is a boost in the economy. As consumers spend more, more jobs are needed, which helps pull more people out of poverty. ” (https://www. enotes. com/homework-help/how-poverty-affect-countrys-economy-785753) People who have graduated from college are not always guaranteed to be able to pay off their debt, and oftentimes they go back to college to further their education, even more, giving them more debt to pay off.


Everyone who has a job in the US has to pay taxes, some jobs charging more than others, but everyone does. I think taxes should be raised, mainly on the wealthier, to help bring social services to all people. Raising taxes would possibly bring free healthcare, and free education like I’ve talked about above, and even more opportunities. “We are committed to doing everything we can to build a full-employment economy, where everyone has a job that pays enough to raise a family and live in dignity with a sense of purpose. ” (https://democrats. org/where-we-stand/the-issues/jobs-and-the-economy/) Republicans think that only hard-working Americans would see better wages and more opportunities, when most times people who make around federal wage, need a high wage to help pay for things. I believe that the federal wage should be brought up, not up to an extreme amount, but it should be brought up enough for people to be able to buy groceries, pay bills, and still have some leftover for miscellaneous use. Only raising wages for “hard-working” Americans won’t help others. Not always is one able to go commit to 9 to 5 jobs. Some people have disabilities or personal problems that prevent them from being able to work long hours.


Drugs have always been around ever since before the 1870s where people saw the first law against opium. Starting in the 1900’s laws against cocaine were passed in the south, targeting black men. (https://alorecovery. com/brief-history-united-states-war-drugs/) From a personal standpoint of seeing people struggle with drugs, I know that it’s not easy to just quit doing drugs. Most people can’t handle the withdrawal they go through and eventually fall back into their past transgressions. “It’s a disease. You can't help it” I think doing drugs is a choice. That person chose to do drugs and they got addicted. They chose that, it didn’t just sneak up on them, or diagnosed with an illness called addiction. I know that drugs start to mess with one's mental state, and can lead to further mental problems, or diseases, but the addition is not a disease itself. Republicans think that someone caught with drugs should go to jail, possibly even getting the death sentence, but I don’t think the same. I do agree with schools doing drug tests, but I don’t think people should be thrown in jail to “get clean. ” They will just sit there and suffer, and when they get out they will go straight back. I think that we need to “Fight drugs and the economic hopelessness that fuels it. ” as said in ontheissues. org. The nation needs to help the ones suffering from addiction, not only just getting them clean, but keeping them clean by setting up meetings, or rehabs that help them before it’s too late. I believe that those things can be brought around from social services. In 2017, 70,200 people died from drug overdoses. (https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Drug_overdose) Drugs can’t just be taken away, but if there are more places for addicts to go to for help the death rate will decline and possibly at a rapid rate. If a change is wanted with the drug problem, someone has to find that solution.


The environment needs a major upgrade. The problem that we are having with the environment is Climate Change. That topic is just being pushed aside, and not worried about when it is a big problem, and no one is going to worry about it until it becomes a major problem and can’t be changed. “We do not have to choose between economy and environment. ” (https://www. ontheissues. org/Democratic_Party. htm) There are not a lot of people putting money into saving the environment, and no one even notices. As soon as a disaster happens to a landmark, like the Notre Dame Cathedral, nearly $1 billion was donated to the restoration, but money is being poured in as fast for the environment. Republicans think that conservation is a value, but the economy needs to be balanced first. They also think that the nation should “encourage market-based solutions to environmental problems. ” (https://www. ontheissues. org/Republican_Party. htm#Environment) The government can’t just expect the people to make these changes on their own. The government has to get involved to see a difference. The government should supply spending on alternative energy generation, like solar power. The burning of coal, and oil drilling, because eventually, those resources are going to run out.

The difference between Democrats and Republicans is very vast. There are just some subjects that both parties need to come together and figure out, even though it would take many arguments between the parties; I believe a change could be made, not only saving the nation but the world. Topics like low wages, bad environments, and drugs will always be in dispute between the two parties, but I side with the Democrats more on a lot of them, though there are times where the Republicans do make a very good point. The world needs to change and those disputes need to end for that to happen.

31 October 2020
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