The Impact Of Society On Who You Become
Our entire lives we think about the world around us and what we see, hear, and experience every day. The variety of thoughts that go through ones head symbolizes who they are and where they are from. Naturally everyone is different. And beautifully we are formed by society into the men and women of those who came before us.
The study of Sociology utilizes human behavior and society, such as the actions and way of life within a society from a large scale to small scale. There are many factors that come together to create ones way of thinking and who they become; for instance, family. Family has one of the largest effects on the traits and characteristics of who you become. From the rights and wrongs you were thought growing up, to the interest of those around you create your personality from a young age. This leads to the society in which you are a part of and help contribute to. Society plays a large role in your perspective on public issues and especially any personal issue that life can bring. public issues influence an entire society in a way that require communities to come together to help find a solution or has an impact on their daily lives. For instance unemployment rate would be a public issue. Unemployment can affect the entire economy of a society. For example, in a town that relies on the income coming from working in a coal mine can be largely affected by the closing of the mine. In this situation many personal issues can be the result of the major public issue (the closing of the mine). For instance unemployment puts stress in relationships which can lead to divorces in some extreme cases.
Divorce would be a personal issue between a couple that each has to go through. Personal issues come from the way of thinking and life of a single person. Person A can think that one situation is an issue when person B can think the complete opposite if they were in the exact same situation. This leads me to think of what public issues do we face or see on a day to day basis? One of the first things that come to my mind is racism.
Racism can be seen all over the world. This makes it a world issue that is just as much a public issue. In the United States racism has been a large public issue for the entire existence of our nation. Of course racism has gone down in the last twenty to thirty years from the high levels it once was. Though racism in countries around the world especially Europe isn’t such a large public issue. If you look back at the history of Americans and their interactions with Africans you can see how racism has evolved into what has in the United States over time. Africans where slaves in the United States and were treated extremely poorly over one hundred years ago. As Slavery became illegal many Americans still held onto their opinions of black people. Many created hatred towards black people and often times turned to violence, this is what we call racism in the US. In Europe racism can be seen, though in a different manner. Racism in Europe can be verbally attacking just like in the US. One thing that is uncommon is the violent side that has been seen in the US.
Now going back to how the society around you shapes who you become, generations of children grow up in societies and households in which racism is common. These children grow up and have a resist side to them because of where they come from and who they are. In Europe Slavery from Africa wasn’t as large compared to how much was used in the US. Racism towards black people isn’t the only racism found In the US. Many people are racist towards Hispanics, Asians, and those from the Middle East. Dirty Jar Was Here!