The Importance Of Public Awareness Of Food Allergy

A 13 years old schoolboy died because of an allergic reaction that his schoolmate threw a piece of cheese on his t-shirt. This news takes society by storm since it was a minor incident but caused a serious consequence. This is perhaps a warning to face up to the problem of lacking knowledge about allergy, therefore it is suggested that the school should pull out an effective care plan for Karanbir to deal with his condition. The school’s healthcare provision is a lack of adequate and personalized care plan for Karanbir. Sicherer and Mahr (2010) point out that a care plan may help to deal effectively with school officials, through assessment could inform not only Karanbir but also his parents and teachers coping tips of a sudden allergic reaction. The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan, formerly the Food Allergy Action Plan, outline recommended treatment in case of an allergic reaction, includes emergency contact information and is signed by a physician. Wang and Sicherer (2017) evaluate that a personalized plan has specialized content and treatment recommendations, which may be beneficial to Karanbir.

In the case of Karanbir, there are two problems which cause the consequence of his death. De Roos & Katan (2000) state that Probiotics have been used in the treatment of lactose intolerance with varying degrees of success. Lactobacilli produce beta-galactosidase, effectively lactase, which hydrolyses lactose in dairy products. Luyt, Ball, Kirk, and Stiefel (2016) suggest that Karanbir always need to carry two injectable probiotics such as epinephrine, however, there is only one in that situation. Simultaneously, injection guidelines should be reviewed periodically, which the administration of medications in schools is addressed in a policy statement, this could help the allergic reaction to be relieved promptly. There is a paucity of specialized knowledge among school children, primary care is needed to inform allergy’s effect and treatment. Stubley (2019) points out that the boy who threw the cheese was unaware that death can be led because of allergy. This is probably an absence of medical awareness. Gupta et al. (2009) conclude that improve students’ awareness of the challenges faced by food-allergic children may reinforce the adoption of standardized school policies to keep affected children protected. This endeavor is critical for protecting Karanbir who is with food allergy and avoiding life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.

Having noticed the incidence of Karanbir, it can be emphasized that the change of value to allergic problems, admonish me the severity of uneducated rescue action, perceive the importance of professional knowledge of being a nurse in the future. Through research, diverse guidelines and practices are found, which can enhance my knowledge of dealing outburst allergy reactions of patients. Also, it can be suggested to bring in HongKong’s education as to not only arouse public awareness but also bring up developing the understanding of food allergy which is appropriate to their ages and stages of development by role-plays, mock sessions and assessments, prevent such incidents from happening again.

14 May 2021
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