The Importance Of Sincerity And Love In A Person’s Life

We all want to be the best of ourselves, but many wonder if it's we actually possible to become a better person. In contrast, there is no perfect person in the world but you can be better and beautiful in your own way. Better person is about a character and traits. Having a good thought and doing what is good and right. In some way there are things in life that affect an individual on what he becomes. So being a better person towards others and to yourself doesn't require anything you just need to show it and always be yourself to do a certain thing but don't let anything to obstruct you to do what is right, just do it and if someone ask me, why I do certain good things even people cannot see its value, do I still do it? I am honestly say that I do it because it is my heart's desire to do it even if it's big or small kindness I will still do it without considering myself to its benefits, because being a better person begins with sincere thought, which begins with knowledge that lead us to do what is good and always seek for goodness not just for ourselves but including those around us. But do I really can do it? Actually, being a better person is always open for self-improvements because it will empower us to do a good decisions and right conduct for ourselves and to others. But if a person does not open to learn then there is no chance for him or her to be better version of herself or himself. So choose to grow rather than staying where you at, keep growing and make a good habit then you will see significant progress when you look back.

One of the best tool to become a better person is to have a good perspective about life which I practice to do it so that it can influence me to do what is good. Now I am indeed doing what is my heart desires towards others as well as to myself. And it improves sincerity and love in our heart, with it we can treat others as how we want to be treated. Such as I can be everything to those important to me. If they need me as a friend then I can be or if they need me as a crying shoulder I also can because for those important to me I can be everything just to make them feel that there is someone who always there by their side no matter what, I am one call away. I want to see the smiles on their faces and to be love. But it is even more important to me that they feel that I have comfort them in some way not just necessarily that I do a specific good deed, but more, that some kindness of mine has touch them because I always want them to feel happy and to be love with my sincerity to be by their side. Though in exchange I am the one who will suffer when I am in need because they see me as a strong young lady that they can talk to when they are in need but it is okay for me to suffer by myself than seeing those important to me suffer or hurt but I know they will do the same as I did for them. For me, those in need I must help them or find a way to make them feel that someone has an empathy to them. It is also part to be a better person that you can do goodness without praising in return.

Meanwhile, Back to the question, Yes I believe that I can be more better version of myself more than I am right now because I always choose to grow and eager to learn in order to improve myself in certain things not just because I want to be a better version of mine but I am the type of person that I always want to learn from experience or even some teachings that I've gain more knowledge from it and I would choose to make room for growth. Because by gaining knowledge it enable us to uplift thoughts and to do what is right by that we keep growing every day and to make a good habits to become better.

So by choosing to grow rather than staying where you at makes us more opportunity to be better and ameliorate ourselves. Also by doing good things with love and sincerity enable us to do what is always right and to make anyone to have a bizarre feeling because with sincerity and love, you can make changes that you would like to make and everything becomes “better' in a way. 

10 Jun 2021
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