The Low Voter Turnout In The United States

Voting in American democracy is important because people can control the government actions or activities and the citizens have the opportunity to express their opinion to them. People need to vote to choose which president they wanted to be like they need to represent their view as in their individual by supporting them. Also, citizens can make decisions about policies or laws to make the government more improved. The voter turnout remains low because the ordinary people understand that it won't make any difference if they started to vote and waiting for the line to finish. What I'm trying to say is that most people from the lower class thinks that going to the elections just to vote is wasting time and energy to go there. Then the voter turnout in the United States is very unfair because the richer people are more interested in voting than the poor people. After that, it requires voters to register to vote which parties they wanted to go their own unless it won't count and it makes me think that the democracies in the other country don't do that and it automatics registered for them when they are citizens which it's so rare in the United States yet it's a disadvantage.

Some people are more willing to vote than others because most of them are college graduates or wealthier people which they make more money and they have a lot of time to not get worried about their personal life, so they have time to get interested in politics. Then people who don't have a college degree or poor people manage not to care about politics and thinking about their job all the time. I'm not sure if this is a fact, but it seems so real because my auntie is a citizen in the United States for a long time and she informed me that she hasn't voted a single one which she doesn't have a college degree and she wanted to help the family to grow instead of voting. The other piece is that education is the main impact on voting because it provides background information about how the political system operates and they can involve in discussions as in a whole group. This is why some people don't vote because they don't understand how the system works. For instance, who they will vote? and who are them? They might ask those questions. I feel like they don't comprehend the pros and cons of the person who they are trying to communicate.

The characteristics of typical voters are they have higher levels of education, income, and career status. The typical voters are more successful in life and they are active in the community like they are participating in the events. Also, they are long-time residents in the United States and they have a strong sense of party identification. I noticed that they are more older people in the voter's side because most of them are married and not to be mean here, but most of the voters are whites and few other races especially in the Republican. After that, the features of typical non-voters are less educated, more younger and poor. The non-voters are unskilled because they haven't got a proper education for them and most of them live in the south or rural places. There are Democrats because they are younger voters which they are Catholics and Jews teamed up together. The wonderful is that the minorities benefit the Democrats Party tremendous, but the turnout is moderately low and it will stay the same or it will be higher in the future. The good thing is that the Democrats have the robust results in enormous cities like North and East while the Republicans rule the small cities and rural areas.

The factors that are mostly to influence their vote choice is sociological factors and psychological factors. The sociological factors are basically people's background and personal qualities like religion, age, gender, and geography. Then for psychological factors is when a citizen explaining how he/she view the politic world. After that, the sociological impacts each citizen to consolidate their qualities to get which one they will pick to go to the Democrats or Republicans. For instance, a guy has an extraordinary profit because he managed to graduate in the university and he becomes protestant. That means he is qualified to match the Republicans and he can definitely research if he's unsure about it or take a test online to prove that his view and his brain are the same. Then some group goes to democratic because they have a diverse race like Latinos and African Americans. I assume it's easier for them to go there since they're only a few races in Republicans. Then the Party identification is the most prominent when it comes to voting because they ask individuals if they count themselves as a Democrat, Republican, or independent. From what I know the most people go independent without party affiliation and they don't have to register to the specific party which it's phenomenal.

My critical comment is that the voters have different perspective of choosing which parties they wanted to be. They have their own reason why the both sides have advanatges and disadvantanges especially the the non-voters because a lot of them aren't that rich and smarter, but they didn't give up the past years. Also, I think they can change by doing a new system like allowing all citizen can vote by online. It will benifit hugely for them in the elections and it will make easier to count all the votes by doing that. To be honest, I hate to whealthy people have a better understanding in the plotics world because the poor people have to sacrifics inorder to get their earning and they don't have much of free time to learn the politics world.

14 May 2021
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