The Main Components Of Job Design

Job design is the process of designing a job based on the results of job analysis. Work is designed to reduce the mechanical aspects, so the job would be effective; less stress; less human error, then the employee will acquires job satisfaction from the assigned roles and responsibilities.

Design for Efficiency

To achieve efficiency in doing work as a customer care officer, it is necessary to apply the concept of industrial engineering by simplifying work as much as possible. As is well known, that customer care officers constantly receive calls and keep record of customers information which is normally carried out by using phone with the help of computer. Instead of using a regular phone, this activity can be done using a digital phone that is connected to a wireless earphone. To record customer information, it will be easier to use a tablet. Both of these technologies will certainly make the work of customer care officer more efficient and practical.

Design for Motivation

Ensuring that customer care officers have positive behavior towards their work is very important, therefore it is necessary to design work that can motivate the workers. To realize a motivating work design, it can be done with various methods and in this case the applied method is job enrichment. Through job enrichment, customer care officers will be given more authority to make decisions and deal with customer problems directly without the help of other departments or supervisors. This will encourage them to work with full intensity since now they have more responsibility and power of decision making which gives more meaning to their role at working.

Design for Safety & Health

One way to design an ideal job for customer care officers, is by changing the work environment for the safety and health of workers which also known as ergonomics. This concept can be applied by providing convenient and appropriate facilities to support the work of customer care officers. One of the way is to use an adequate computer with a clear screen and proper placement for the comfort of working.

Design for Mental Capacity

In designing work, it needs to be considered that a job can be done with less information processing. In other words, work is designed in such a way as to be in accordance with the general mental capacity of humans. One of the essential customer care officer jobs, is to record customer information during and after call. In order for the work to be in accordance with its capacity and less processing information, it can be done by providing SOP which includes steps to input customer information into the company's server through a system.

11 February 2020
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