The “Not So Good” Good Burger

“Meat is very high in cholesterol most animals produce their own cholesterol and there is no need to eating someone’s else” said by health line.

Would you ever think eating a juicy burger would cause you health problems like heart disease, obesity, and even cancer. Eating meat is a lifestyle that many people adapt to. Since we were kids most of us were taught or adapted to eating meat.The question that has been important for a while now is that how does meat harm the environment, and how has the vegan and vegetarian community changed from way back then to now. Many people don’t know how eating meat can change your body or effect your health. “The human body is intended to function on plant- based foods that are full of fiber, antioxidants, unsaturated fat, essential fatty acids, phytochemicals, and cholesterol-free protein.” said by “How does eating meat harm the environment” this means that we were supposed to eat plant based things only, and that the things that we put in out body such as meat is not healthy for our body. Eating vegan and healthy such a vegetarian can reduce weight and can also lead to a healthy lifestyle, but Cutting meat out does not necessarily lead to a healthier diet if what is left in are unhealthy foods such as potatoes, fruit juices or sweets. Why do we eat meat ? It must have felt unnatural at first, to eat animal flesh. After all, we're not so far removed from animals ourselves. Perhaps it even felt cannibalistic. We could imagine the first person trying meat ripping throw the flesh of the meat knowing that we only ate raw foods and vegetables, picture having eaten raw foods and vegetables for eons, and all of a sudden, incorporating meat products into your system. You may Said by the conversation meat eating is harming the water we drink and the air that we breath have heard friends who were vegetarians tell stories of trying to eat meat and becoming violently ill afterwards. But eating meat has been very beneficial to many people allowing them to gain the protein and the vitamins needed to help the body. The vegan and vegetarian community has changed over the last 10 years. Where’s now you are starting to see many people becoming vegan and vegetarian. More restaurants are becoming more meatless having new items on the menu such as a plant based burger or even a whole menu separate from the other menu. Eating meat can harm and effect your body as well as the environment, leading up to heart disease, obesity and even cancer, becoming vegan and vegetarian can limit these horrific things and cause you to live a better life.

Eating meat can harm and effect your body as well as the environment. Too much cholesterol is bad for your body because high levels of cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. The hormones in cows also are affecting our body. Hormones are chemicals produced naturally for regulating sexuality in the bodies of all animals. Hormones are chemicals produced naturally for regulating sexuality in the bodies of all animals, including humans. There are six different kinds of hormones currently approved by FDA for being used in food production. So who says all of the hormones they use at the meat factory are fda approved and safe. Eating meat can cause you to be obese Being overweight increases the risk of a range of health problems including diabetes, high blood pressure and up to ten different types of cancer. It can also impair a person’s well-being, quality of life and ability to work. Meat eaters are 3 times more likely to be obese than vegetarians, and 9 times more likely than vegans.

Meat eating has caused harm to your body but not only that is causes harm to the environment. It affects the land in a way where “ Livestock farming has a vast environmental footprint. It contributes to land and water degradation, biodiversity loss, acid rain, coral reef degeneration and deforestation”. Meat production is highly inefficient – this is particularly true when it comes to red meat. To produce one kilogram of beef requires 25 kilograms of grain – to feed the animal – and roughly 15,000 litres of water. Pork is a little less intensive and chicken less still. Eating meat is making the planet sick.

Did you ever wonder that the food you would be eating would be making you sick such as the chicken you had for dinner. The diseases that you are getting from being sick are heart disease, cancer, obesity and more. Eating too much protein may increase your risk of developing heart disease and may worsen kidney function in people with kidney disease because the body can have trouble illuminating all the waste products of protein. Eating a more healthy life can illuminate bad things like this from happening.

But eating meat has not been bad it actually has been beneficial for many reasons. Better skin hair and eyes Is an article that talks about consumption of meat rich in omega-3 fatty acids is beneficial for healthy skin and hair. Also in improve blood circulation from all of the vitamins and nutrients in the meat. Meat is a good source of protein vitamins and minerals are you diet, since meat contains a large amount of proteins this could be beneficial to the body as the need for protein is important for the body. Some nutrients in the meat are zinc, iron vitamin D and C and iron. Eating meat promote muscle growth the protein in meat helps in building and repairing body tissues and improving muscle activities.

To me personally eating meat is bad for your body and can harm the environment. The evolution of them vegan and vegetarian community is changing. Many restaurants such as Burger King are trying to explore other options with vegetarian options Burger King having the veggie morning, Star Farms burgers and Chick-fil-A with a vegetarian cool wrap. Many people are becoming more fond of the vegetarian and a vegan movement. Wanting to be healthier and helping the environment. 

10 Jun 2021
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