The Research About Migrants And Their Culture Shock And Identify Crisis

15 percent of the world’s migrants are under 20, that is 1,421,612 people in Australia now imagine all those people who find it hard to assimilate into society. Australia has a fast-growing rate of migrants and that does not mean they all understand what we are saying being a migrant is exceedingly difficult they must endure a language barrier, culture shock, and even face an identity crisis

When migrants leave their country of origin they leave behind a familiar language, culture, community, friends, and families. having a language barrier consists difficulties like finding employment, obtaining medical care, understand or talking to peers or family, as they are used to speaking their native tongue rather than English. Which results into confusion and have having an excruciating time to learn or understand a new language. A recent study by The Guardian showed that adolescents who show up in their mid to late teens having missed the crucial last final years of school because in a refugee camp. And many have stated that they wanted to consider employments, for example, an accountant, teacher, or plumbing, many were eager to go to college however did not have GCSE maths or English.

In addition to language barriers, migrant teens also face a severe cultural shock. Teens who move to a new country find themselves in a state of anxiety, depression and even fear as they are in a new environment as well as new morals and values. Statistics show that 67.5 percent of migrant teens/families who moved to another country has faced sever culture shock as their expectations were faced by reality. Teens will feel very frustrated as they cannot interact with anyone due to the different languages spoken and customs followed.

As a result, to culture shock from being in a new environment migrant teen also face identity crisis. As migrants leave their home to a new country, they are stripped away from their belongs with only left with a few clothes the only thing they can bring are memories and their culture with them. Teens who experienced childhood in various cultures gives them a blended background making them unsure of which one they like best and which on they are most suitable in. Trying to fit into a Western culture while having an ethnicity isn’t easy for migrant teens, as they do not belong in their birth country or their new country, and they are expected to act different at home and when they are out. Which makes them doubt their identity when they try to fit in with others.

Australia has one of the fastest growing rates for migrants which are all under the age of 20. being a teen is hard but being a migrant teen and trying to assimilate into a new environment is even harder. Dealing with language barriers, culture shock and having identity crisis are struggles teens are facing now  

07 July 2022
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