The Role Of Human Connection In Modern World

“Perhaps too much of everything is as bad as too little” (Edna Ferber). Our world is accessible to everyone, but is too vast to take in all at once. Everybody is born with rights and freedoms but how they use and fulfill those rights is based on their own world. Their own world may only consist of a small town with one traffic light or a vibrant city. The world at large is daunting but not impossible to understand. Yet, first one must try to understand where their place is in the world. People have to find their own drive in life to gain freedoms within themselves. Tension for most people comes within their inner selves faced with the realities of life based upon expectations, perspectives, and values from the outer world.

In Station Eleven, Miranda states, “I stood looking over my damaged home and tried to forget the sweetness of life on earth.” Life is made through experiences, circumstances, and the people who you surround yourself with. Miranda realized that all the glamour of life is not the same glamour of her reality in her life. Material objects or other people’s perceptions looking into her life are not realistic but it is easy to believe those facades. She comes to the realization that the need of survival and human connection and happiness make the sweetness of life not values of money.

In Czesław Milosz poem, “this is too much world”, he captures both the literal cycle of earth but also the meaning of this world has so much to offer and everywhere means a new beginning with new standards and new realities. He also describes how humans tend to become caught up within fairy tales, dramatic unrealistic views of their worlds that are so far off or different from other people. Humans focus less on connections and relationships with each other but rather create barriers within the world. Everything within this world's affects us all but in very opposite ways, there is no way to hide or run. A person can never forget their past but a person can go to a better place and this world allows for a restart. Because you cannot escape this world yet many people fall between the cracks which in many ways is a sign in this world there is too much. Falling within a system of people who are more focused on themselves and how to advance with ever stopping to care about others or what their actions could mean to the world. This world has much to give and offers accessibility which society now takes for granted and people have become so accustomed to surplus. Not only in physical items but also people expect much from other people that tend to become overly demanding and too hard to control. People long for a sense of belonging and need others to both physically and emotionally, yet people can become so inclusive to just our surroundings.

The Living Room, podcast by Briana Breen, tells the story of Diana, who forms a relationship with her neighbors through her window. Diana becomes invested into her neighbors intimate relationship and begins to identify herself with them. She finds herself wrapped within their relationship becoming emotionally invested within her neighbor’s personal spaces. Diana finds comfort and attachment to them that speaks to the need of belonging within all humans. Finding security and peace within her neighbors that she has never met, yet they made an impact on her life, causing her to feel emotions for these people that technically she has no physical connection with. Diana takes her inward connection with her neighbors and carries that comfort with her even though her neighbors will never know the emotional impact they created. The world’s opportunities are great but it is up to the person to figure out their path in life which is often one of the hardest tasks because there is so much to figure out and choose.

Human connection is the strongest bond a person can have and it is how people are able to survive emotionally. But it takes people to create those connections which means they cannot have fears of the unknown. Yet, there cannot be a cap on this world and it only keeps growing. A person's world has a cap in a sense because there are only so many people, things, and places that can truly shape a being as a whole, yet for every single person not one of those is the same which is what makes this world seem too huge to think about. Whether it may be human connection, freedom, rights, or the need of belonging all people have their own world but it is up to all people to make each of their worlds come alive. Because then the world seems to become a smaller place that is not as overwhelming. The world is as small or as massive as one perceives it but with every relationship a person’s inner world becomes bigger but the world at large seems just a little smaller.

11 February 2020
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