The Role of Integrity in Everyday and Academic Life

Practicing integrity in your day-to-day interactions can have a superb influence. To demonstrate and cultivate integrity, the following actions that are discussed in integrity essay can be taken. 

A person, who maintains his integrity, never thinks twice before repudiating what is wrong. No matter how harsh the truth is, they have the courage to embrace it. They never think of the repercussions that may pave the way to severe problems. But they are always abided by their integrity and combat gallantly whenever they find their integrity at stake. In order to prove that I am a man of my integrity, I would like to mention an instance. 

Earlier, I was selected for a master’s course in a renowned college, but somehow I got to know that my selection was rigged. I decided to back out since my conscience did not approve of it. Moreover, I would rather give my seat to a deserving student. I let it go as I was sure that my truthfulness would help me to sail through thick and thin. My optimism made me believe that my future would definitely hold something better than this in store for me and things will surely fall into place. It is imperative to have integrity for building trust in academic, personal and professional settings. Basically, it is necessary for all walks of life. 

Our actions should be consistent with our words. Integrity is about being able to do the right thing, even if no one is looking, and maybe the doer will not receive any credit either. But there is nothing more beautiful than to sleep well without any regret and wake up everyday holding in your hand the full measure of your personal integrity whereas a dishonest person remains oblivious of the self-satisfaction that comes with honesty. People who are known for their integrity, gain trust and respect from the people around. Therefore, integrity is equally important at all levels of life. Colleges and universities should expect its students to have sound knowledge about the academic standards that they must uphold and what consequences they will have to face if they violate the academic standards in any manner. Students should generate their assignments on their own and should not involve in plagiarism. To make the notion of academic integrity crystal clear, colleges and universities must emphasize on the essence of academic integrity on the Orientation Day. Moreover, a course in academic integrity can also be included as a compulsory paper. Students, who do not adhere to academic standards will have to face serious consequences. For violating the rules for the first time, the student should be warned and their guardians or the sponsoring company must be informed about their wrongdoings. If any student violates the standards again or employs unfair means in examinations then Purdue should not spare such students and must expel them from the university.

Overall Integrity in its literal meaning is the virtue of being honest and possessing firm ethical principles. In other words, it is the commitment to fundamental values such as honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. It is an intrinsic moral conviction that helps an individual in distinguishing what is right and what is wrong. It will be beneficial fr students to have a special course of academic integrity or classes of integrity development. 

05 January 2023
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