The Eight Sons Of The Sun And Moon

In the beginning, there was nothing. No beings, no planets, not even a speck of dirt. But one day, a tiny light peeked out from the darkness. A small star shined out from oblivion, and it grew bigger and brighter, becoming strong and powerful. The star became a Sun, and his name was Odomiss, a strong and mighty omnipotent God that could create anything, destroy anything, and lead the last destruction. Odomiss felt lonely and decided to create a companion that he planned to spend his entire life with faithfully. Odomiss opened his hand and created a small white rock. As the white rock grew bigger and brighter and more beautiful, it formed into a Moon. The Moon had a special power of invisibility, and turning the color red when it was mad or angry. Odomiss called her Mulan. She became the goddess of the night and the goddess of the stars. Odomiss made Mulan as his wife and wanted to make a world that would be lovely for them. Odomiss created the oceans, so that the entire world beneath them was covered in water. The color of the ocean water was clear blue, clean and pure for Odomiss and his wife to see their reflections in.

Next, Odomiss created land for the two of them to shine on. Then, he created green things, like plants, bushes, forests, so that the land would be full of nature. As the plants grew over time, they formed into petals. Once the petals opened, insects emerged from the flowers. The insects roamed the land and grew bigger, becoming new animals. Some of the insects wandered in the ocean, becoming sea creatures, including fish with long fins, big eyes, and big teeth. Having created a grand world beneath them full of nature and wonder and mystery, Odomiss and Mulan birthed eight sons to share in their creation: Mercury, Pluto, Venus, Neptune, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn. Mercury and his twin brother Pluto were conjoined twins, a two-headed monster born out of rocks. Venus grew from sand minerals and lived in the desert. Neptune grew in the ocean water, roaming the seas under the protection of the sea creatures. Mars emerged as a volcanos, spewing hot lava and molten rock. Jupiter grew from trees and bushes, becoming a protector of nature. Uranus formed as a body of steel, stronger than any of his brothers.

Lastly, Saturn came into being as lightning, causing electrical storms. Alas, Odomiss and Mulan’s wishes of sharing the world with their children in harmony didn’t come to fruition. The children were constantly fighting one another, jealous of the attention they thought their parents gave the other sons. They thought Venus was the favorite of Odomiss, and that Neptune and Mulan enjoyed a closer relationship than the rest of the family. Because they sons all had special powers, their fights were spectacularly destructive. Mercury and Pluto threw rocks, meteorites, and asteroids. Venus created sandstorms, Mars threw fire, and Jupiter shook the ground with his powerful trunk and roots. Uranus could throw his steel body at anything, and Saturn caused lightning strikes. Every time they fought one another, the magical world that Odomiss and Mulan had created became more damaged and less beautiful. The water turned dark, the pristine land developed bumps and discolorations, and the creatures became deformed. The Father Sun was so disappointed in what his children had done to his once wondrous creation.

One day, after a particularly disastrous fight between the children that left the land cracked into seven pieces, Odomiss finally had enough. The beautiful realm that he had created was too fragile to be left in the hands of his mighty children, so he removed all of their powers, rendering them inanimate objects. After some time had passed, Odomiss and Mulan grew lonely once more. They realized they still wanted offspring to share their lives with, offspring to whom they could give the gift of the world, so they once more birthed two children. This time, they made their children perfectly ordinary, so they could keep their planet safe. Their children were small individuals with four limbs and no special powers, destined to need their entire lives to explore the enormity of their parents’ creation. These children eventually had more and more children of their own, filling the world with the progeny of Odomiss and Mulan.

The Sun and the Moon loved their new children very much and spent years watching them roam the land they had created. Sometimes they still miss their first family; every once in a while, they give their eight sons their powers back for short periods of time so they can show off their displays of nature in the form of asteroids, thunder, sand storms, and volcanic eruptions. At these times, the younger children of the Gods turn to the skies and ask their parents for help. And so, until the end of time, Odomiss and Mulan return every day to watch over their children and the world they have created.

15 Jun 2020
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