The Spirit Of Adventure In Me

Eleanor Roosevelt once said,“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” True freedom is the ability to explore all the aspects of life. The spirit of adventure is alive and well inside of me. The most important thing in my life is to experience my life in all its entirety. I am terrified of the idea of living a life of routine and monotony. To live life as the innovator, the pioneer, and the renegade are the accolades I dream to have tagged to my name. In the same way that Eleanor Roosevelt said it, I believe that life is meant to be lived to the fullest.

All the greatest people in history were adventures. Each in their own individual way, they explored aspects of life that no one before them had done. I want to be just like that. To me adventure is the driving force behind everything humans do. I know for a fact that it is my destiny to be an adventurer. It is impossible for me to want to sit around and wait for adventure to happen to me. I need to be the one to go out and grab it. Just like Caesar when he crossed the river Rhine, he did not sit around and wait to be emperor of Rome. Caesar went and took the biggest risk of his era and become the greatest figure of his time. He had a fire inside of him that led him to achieve only the greatest. I know that I have this in me, to achieve only the greatest just as Caesar did so long ago, all I need is a push in the right direction.

For me the direction I need to go in is unclear. I need an institution that can sprout the roots of greatness in me. It is necessary that I find the perfect outlet for the spirit of adventure. I have yet to find just that, but I assure myself that the second I find it I will jump all over it. It is in my nature. For example, when I was in the eighth grade I saw an opportunity in which I could seize greatness. I ran for student body president and I did everything in my power to win. In the end I won, and I have not had as happy a day since then. That is the same type of greatness I wish to achieve out of my adult life. To achieve that same greatness out of my adult life I need to learn much more. I need to become educated in all aspects of the educational spectrum. I have to be able to see everything I can possibly dream to be right in front of me. I need to find the perfect adventure that will lead me to the same greatness as Caesar when he crossed the Rhine. I need that adventure in my life. I need the education to do so, without it I thoroughly believe I will be nothing. For me to reach out and eagerly pursue an adventure, I require a strong education as well. To receive this strong education I know for a fact that I have to find the best learning institution possible, and when I find it only the greatest can be expected from me.

Mark my words, when I find the college for me I will be the best I can be there. I can not promise there will be no failure, for that is an essential piece of adventure, but I can promise growth from that failure. I intend to find my path to destiny at college, and when I do I will follow it until the day I die. Without hesitation I will pursue the adventure that will let me live a life of glory and honor. I do not fear the ups and downs of the adventures of life, I fear choosing the wrong adventure for my life.

11 February 2020
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