The Study Of Kinesiology

Do you know what kinesiology is? Well, kineseology’s google definition says “ Kinesiology is the scientific study of human or non-human body movement. Kinesiology addresses physiological, biomechanical, and psychological dynamic principles and mechanisms of movement. ”. Some people may view kinesiology like this but some may view it differently. That is why I am going to tell you my definition of kinesiology, how eating healthy can impact everyday life and implications or benefits for the study of kinesiology, and two occupations in the field of kinesiology. In conclusion, kinesiology can be viewed very differently by different people.

My definition of kinesiology is the study of the human body. Not just the study of the human body as one but a study of how everything in the human body works. In kinesiology you learn how different bodily functions are used for different activities. You also study how all your muscles are used to help you live your everyday life. In conclusion, this is my definition of kinesiology.

According to most websites living a healthy lifestyle won’t negatively impact you in any way. In my opinion, it can only help you to live a longer and more joyful life. Eating well and exercising often can help decrease the possibilities of diseases. Diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and obesity. One of the most important things to think about is if you study kinesiology you would be most likely to improve your way of living if you know all of the complications or benefits that could happen to you if you don’t change your diet, your exercise schedule, and even just your way of life overall.

In my opinion, I do agree with the decision to make the Beginning Kinesiology class a required course in the state of Alabama. I think this could only do people good to make them think about their health, and their lifestyle. If this course was required people would have more common knowledge of how their body works. This course could even potentially lead to a career. That means let’s say somebody took this course, and they loved learning about how the body works and moves, so they go to college and study kinesiology and get a job that has something to do with kinesiology and they make a living off of it. Making this course required could lead to a decrease in the unemployed category, and maybe a decrease in the unhealthy category as well.

One occupation in the field of kinesiology is a Chiropractor. Another occupation in the field of kinesiology is an Athletic Trainer. A chiropractor basically just adjust your body. Chiropractors realign your bones and joints for many reasons. One reason is to reduce pain, maybe to increase your flexibility and balance, also to help you move better. Athletic trainers can usually be found at any school, college, or university. If someone gets hurt (usually an athlete), they might apply tape, bandages, or braces to the injury. Athletic trainers provide emergency care and first aid needs to athletes. I would consider a job in this field. I have always wanted to work in the medical field, and studying kinesiology or taking an occupation in it could be a way to do this.

31 October 2020
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