The Truth about The Atomic Bomb

August 6th, 1945 marks the day Japan's history changed forever. Around 8.15 am the Japanese were awoken to ear-piercing explosions and deafening screams. They could do nothing but watch helplessly as their country's pride and people get destroyed in an instant. 'Little Boy', the bomb with 15 kt of TNT, demolished 90% of Hiroshima instantly. Also, immediately killed 80,000 people. Furthermore, thousands later died due to the effects of radiation. On August 9th, 3 days after the Hiroshima attack, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Nicknamed 'Fat Man”, it killed 40,000 thousand lives and destroyed the city into pieces. These brutal attacks called for Japan's surrender in WWII, on August 15th.

Before and After of Hiroshima


For many, the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan was completely unnecessary and a selfish move by the US. Historians believe that Japan would've surrendered if they were given a warning. However, Truman's perspective and reasoning to use the bomb are revealed.

Truman had 5 primary reasons to drop the atomic bomb:

  • Quickest end to WW2: the US aimed to win the war while spending the least possible cost. The atomic bomb was their best choice as it was already made. Not using it would be a waste of money and effort. Ending the war at the quickest point would save many lives of American soldiers, Japanese civilians, and soldiers.
  • Saved many lives: The drop of the atomic bomb, unfortunately, killed thousands of innocent Japanese and injured many more, both physically and mentally. However, if the war continued, the expected number of causalities would've been staggeringly higher. If war was continued, it would've cost millions of American soldiers to risk their lives for their motherland. Also, there were shocking death rates of Japanese civilians and soldiers, who chose suicide over surrender. This was mostly shown in Japan's Kamikaze attacks, which were deliberate crashes into enemy targets, generally ships.
  • No surrender from Japan: Many assume that Japan would've surrendered if they were given a warning. However, Japan pledged to not surrender without a ruthless fight till the end. The Japanese bushido code of honor portrayed the US military as ruthless animals, which stop the surrender of many Japanese soldiers. Since 1944, they ignored indications saying they had no chance of winning. In July 1945, the Japanese rejected the Allied demand for surrender in the 'Potsdam Declaration'. The Potsdam Declaration was issued by Great Britain, the US, and China, which called for the surrender of Japan. The US suffered from the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa and they feared of another costly invasion from Japan. Japan's suicidal Kamikaze attacks intensively impacted the US military psychologically. They believed the whole country would be pressured to defend the homeland.
  • The Manhattan Project: This was the code name for the program that produced the first atomic weapons during World War 2. It was led by America with the support of Canada and the United Kingdom. Nazi Germany had begun nuclear weapon research in 1930 and consequently, US had fears that Germany would use it against the US. In 1940, the US government started funding its atomic weapons development program. Overall, it cost $1,899,604,00 in 1945 dollars. They produced two atomic bombs nicknamed 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man' which had 15kt and 21kt of TNT respectively. Norris Bradbury, American physicist (front row left) with others at the end of the Project.
  • Retaliation for the attack on Pearl Harbour: On December 7th, 1914, a surprise attack by the Japanese, targeted a US naval base near Hawaii. Hundreds of Japanese planes destroyed American naval vessels and airplanes. 2402 Americas lost their lives and 1282 were severely wounded. Japan attacked the US without giving a formal declaration of war. Truman stated the “Japanese began the war from the air at Pearl Harbor… and have now been repaid many folds.” and President Roosevelt asked Congress on December 8th to declare war on Japan.

US battleship sinking during Pearl Harbour attack


The effects of the dropping of the atomic bomb were detrimental. Though buildings can be built up again and crops can be regrown, the mental effects can never be reversed.

Radiation was the primary cause of death for everyone who was fully exposed up to 0.5 miles from Ground Zero. There were 226,000 instant deaths from both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many suddenly lost their loved ones on that day, without getting time to say their last goodbyes.

Unfortunately, the US didn’t consider the aftermath effects of the atomic bomb that led to many unexpected health issues to the Japanese. Leukemia was the deadliest long-term effect, occurring two years after the bombing and peaking around 1950. Thyroid cancer, Lung cancer, and Breast cancer also increased dramatically. Anemia and cataracts also became more common among individuals, lasting approximately 10 years in one’s body.

Not only did the atomic bomb affect the Japanese but it also impacted on their land. The blast caused severe damage over the entire area within a radius of 1.5 miles. The heat liberated by the flash caused flash burns and ignited isolated fires as far as a mile from the drop. Due to all the fires burning across the country, the combined heat drew air into a vortex at a velocity of 40 miles/hour. Firestorms burned 4.5 square miles of the city center leaving nothing but bare, broken structures.

However, nothing can compare to the mental effects from the atomic bomb. Many victims suffered from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Victims, like Yasujiro Tanaka, were fortunately very young at the time of the Nagasaki bombing. 'I don’t remember much, but I do recall that my surroundings turned blindingly white, like a million camera flashes going off at once.' He was one of the luckier ones, only suffering from loss of hearing in his left ear due to the blast. Unfortunately, many other victims are heavily scarred with explicit images of the day stuck in their minds forever.


August 6th, 1945 marks a significant day in history. The dropping of the atomic bomb most certainly changed the circumstances of World War 2. Nevertheless, alternatives were discussed by the Interim Committee. They eventually came to the decision after considering these alternatives.

Japan would still surrender: Mr. Alperovitz was a young political economist who published the book 'Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam' in 1965 full of ferocious revisionism. He believed that Japan would've surrendered without the use of the atomic bomb. If not, they would've been forced to surrender before the landing of America on Kyushu. This was planned to go ahead if necessary in November 1945. Therefore, military leaders believed the bombing of Japan was unnecessary.

Wait till the Soviet Union enter war: The Soviet Union, now known as USSR, consisted of 15 constituent or union republics. They entered the war by invading Manchuria during the period between the first atomic bomb drop and before Japan surrendered. Japan was worried about the Manchuria invasion as Japan's most profitable colony was there. Soviet overran the Nazis fast and Japan was scared they'd do the same and destroy Japan's colony. If the US waited for the Soviet Union to enter the war and invade Manchuria, then the drop of the atomic bomb wouldn't be necessary.

Allowing Japan to keep the Emperor: Japan didn't want to lose their emperor, Emperor Hirohito. The Reds gunned down their past one in 1918. The Japanese considered Hirohito as a God. The fact that Japan would do anything in honor of their Emperor means that the US could've prevented the drop of the atomic bomb and forced them to surrender for their Emperor.

- CODA -

Overall, the main purpose of this article is to emphasize on the truth behind this significant even in history. To explain the severe consequences of the final decision. Many argue saying that there could've been other alternatives instead of choosing to kill the lives of thousands of innocent Japanese. Regardless, dropping the bomb truly saved millions of lives in the future and came with greater victories in the end. Japan surrenders during World War 2.

01 August 2022
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