The Value Of Facebook “Friends”
What is life without honest and meaningful friendships? Most relationship in one’s life, frenemies, best friend and couple; begins with a simple friendship. In my opinion, I believe making friends and having friendships are an essential part of life. “As Aristotle saw it, every friendship falls into one of three categories: friendship of pleasure, friendship of utility y, and the highest sorts of friendships untied by something like virtue or a shared sense of the good”(Condella 112). Facebook is one of the first social networks that have helped redefine friendship in the modern world. From sending a quick message, to liking a picture, or commenting on a friend’s status there are many ways Facebook makes it easier to build and maintain a meaningful relationship. Some may think Facebook friendships are superficial but at any moment, that very relationship could become something to cherish. I found the most valued things about Facebook friendships were the emotional support, the online convenience, and the different network connections you are able to make. To begin with, the emotional support one can get from Facebook.
For some people talking face-to-face can be uncomfortable. The anxiety of what a person would say can make someone not say anything. Most people tend to share their problems with friends rather than their own family. Even more so online, because they feel like there is no judgement. Philosophers have said, “a virtual shoulder to cry on may be better than no shoulder at all (Condella 117). Some people just need to vent about their boss while some are really going through stuff that they don’t feel comfortable enough to share with family about. A girl four thousand miles away saves her Facebook friend from death after he sent a message stating, “I’m going away to do something I’ve been thinking about for a while then everyone will find out. The American girl alerted her mother, who then sparked a string of emergency messages between Maryland Police, the White House in Washington, the British Embassy in Washington, Scotland Yard and finally Thames Valley Police. ” (Suicidal teenager saved by Facebook friend, 2009). She only had his name and school name, which she got off Facebook, but “they found him barely conscious in his bedroom, where he had apparently taken an overdose” (Suicidal teenager saved by Facebook friend, 2009). Thanks to a Facebook friend, he is alive and made a full recovery. Whether it’s someone giving me encouraging words or actually saving my life, I feel like Facebook have so many support groups that can actually help someone get the help they need. Secondly, what I value most about Facebook friendship is the convenience “things we would email each other about we can do quick updates” (Hamington138) by sending messages or sharing pictures with our love ones. If I want to know what an old childhood friend is doing, I can simple check their Facebook page instead of sending an email. Facebook has made it possible for me to stay in touch with friends as well as family.
My great-grandparents had twenty-three kids, so to say I have a big family is an overstatement. The best way for us to stay connected is our family group on Facebook. I get to meet people I probably would never get a chance to because of distances. When we want to plan a family vacation, we just announce it in the group by planning an event on Facebook. Even though not everyone could attend, the majority of the family knew because of the group. Even the older generations are active in the group so much, so my grandma has made an account. Some may ask why I don’t just call, so I tell them that Facebook has made it possible to do that and more but with a faster respond time. Plus, an email doesn’t let you video chat like Facebook does. I feel like emails aren’t as personal as a video chat. I get joy out of telling my great-aunt how to turn her front camera on and just seeing her face as we talk. Lastly, the different network connections you’re able to make. Aristotle talks about friendship of utility where both people derive some benefit from each other. I feel like this friendship is easily attainable on Facebook. Especially if you have a home business, people tend to gravitate towards whatever it is you’re doing. My cousin started posting her desserts and different candies that she would make on her private Facebook page, and before I knew it, her Facebook friends became her customers. She had some many customers that she had to make a public page for her business. Some people believe “online entrepreneurs are changing the way that the business world works. ” (Shocking US Home Based Business Statistics, 2017). The new social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are really helping people network and meet all kinds of people who they probably wouldn’t have ever met. Nowadays people are helping each other create a brand and get exposure though Facebook. With the mindset of, I will scratch your back if you scratch mine. “For Aristotle, friendships of pleasure and utility are transient, meaning they can form rather easily but can dissolve rather easily as well. ” (Condella 112).
At least with this friendship one or both parties will be able to leave with something. To sum it up, a friendship made through Facebook can be just as value as “real” friends. Aristotle believed conversation is at the heart of friendship. Since without it we cannot gain familiarity with one another and as a result, are in no position to decide whether we are truly friends. “Facebook have established a virtual proximity that has come ever close to mimicking the face-to-face interactions upon which friendships have traditionally thrived” (Condella 116). I believe “real” friendships can happen on Facebook if both parties are open and honest. I feel that having a certain group of friends around can really influence a person’s life. Therefore, it’s very important that to me that I chose wisely about who I call friend. Facebook friendships have proven to me to be valuable from the emotional support, to the online convenience, and the different network connections you are able to make.