Understanding Of An Organization Culture

A uniqueness of a Culture is that it provides a basis for communication and interaction between the humans. It is based on the perception of the organizational members. Though the culture is followed on regular basis it still difficult to explain what actual a culture means. Many tried defining it as a man-made, belief, art etc of particular society. An organization culture is based on the opinion of organizational members.

Based on which they shape the external and internal environment which suits them the most. According to Edgar Schein there are three levels of culture. Artifacts which are visible, Espoused values, and belief. As said above its give the employee the clearly understanding about his work so that he strives to solve the problems. This he will learn the outcomes and will amendment to the internal as well as the external environment. This works well to be considered the valid and the correct way to teach the new comers as to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems. (Schein 1992). According to Hofstede a national culture is a collective programming of the mind that distinguishes one human group from another. The dimensions of national culture are “power distance” Those people in the organization responsible for the blame, inequality in the distribution of the powers. “Uncertainty avoidance” these include culture with long history, risk that can’t be avoided in the business, “individualism” they try to achieve their goal on the expense of others and “masculinity-femininity” here man and women should have equal rights in the society. (Lecture Barald).

An insight about the organizational structure to mange an organization is to alien the relevant parts of the organization such as, rewards for the success improve the climate within which they work, showing them with praises, encourage them to solve problems and build a strong relationship. The old scientific method the employee were trained curtailed to have a freedom of choosing the own task and train them self to the best they could. There was no equity in the workload as compared to olden times where the lower level was burdened too much. In human relation moment all personal problem related to the employee were solved there were given more benefits. Also a there was improvement in the interaction between the employee and the management. This give employee an opportunity to participate in the different activities of the company. In organizational culture may affect as how much employees identify with an organization. In modern organization that have different culture especially big organization. These organizations have their unique culture which differed from employee point. The organizational culture has intergraded the scientific management and human relationship movement. Thus ensuring the well being of the employee is a primary concern.

In an organization tries to temper the organizational culture the employee may find it difficult to acquire it there could be different factor: communication style and rules, attitude, approach, notions etc. there are different ways of communication style such as eye contact, personal space, tone of voice, body language similar for others. This are which are not in the manageable limits such as organizational culture that differ from place to place and are not manageable are food fashion festivals etc.

15 July 2020
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