Understanding The Meaning Of Integrity
What is Integrity?
Integrity is how someone carry themselves and lives their life. Throughout our lifetime we face many everyday choices that only yourself as a person will be able to answer. We as individuals decide how we want to run our own lives, and how to go about our daily lives. Integrity is doing the right thing instead of doing the wrong thing. As a people, if we do not have anything, we can always have our integrity. Integrity should not only mean something to you but also to the people you interact with every single day in your life. It tends to mean a lot more to a lot of people compared to others. As a human being you should always value your integrity because it means everything, whether you know it or not.
Individuals must always look to value their integrity because in this society, the ones that do will always be the most trustworthy and respected individuals. Integrity can be defined as many things, honesty, moral character, moral soundness, reason, and motive. There is a huge difference between making the right choice and the wrong one. All of it based on a person’s character because the two go hand and hand. A person’s character is based on not only integrity, but also morals, honesty, and responsibility, and honesty. These three traits will build positivity and stress-free outcomes in your life. Integrity is the simple fact of being true to yourself and be true to those around you. For example, someone using self-checkout, leaves their change, and you as a person pick the money up and notify the individual that they left their money, instead of taking it. You’re not only not being a thief, but this is where those three traits come into place and where your integrity is tested. Being honest with yourself and knowing something that does not belong to you is a true sign of integrity.
Integrity can be tested in many ways, as I stated before we are put in many situations everyday where it is being tested. In order to be a leader, you must have integrity to be a leading individual in the world we live in. Your integrity is the biggest moral obligation that you have to yourself, and your goal should be not to compromise that in anyway. There are so many definitions of integrity, but when I hear that word, I personally feel that it means you are a person that can be counted on, you will explain yourself as truly as possible, be genuine, be trustworthy, and never take credit for anything you did not do. Integrity is one of the most important aspects and traits that will earn you respect. It is not just telling the truth when you want, or whenever you feel like it, when you speak, you speak the truth to your parents, teachers, friends, employers, anyone you will or have spoken to in your life.
You must always tell the truth, always, no mater what consequences you may face, it will mold you into a respectable man. Ultimately, we decide how we run our own lives, and the way we choose to do that defines us as a person. Integrity creates a foundation of trust and when you lose this, it becomes difficult and nearly impossible to have sustainable relationship. Integrity means that your actions and behavior should reflect the morals that you stand for and believe in. When you lose your creditability, it affects you a person, its like losing a part of yourself because you mislead those who bestowed their trust and faith in you. Your life will be stress free if you be honest and have integrity. Integrity and honesty are not just about being honest and showing to be the people who are around you, but it is also about showing it to the people who are not around you as well.