Why Abortion Should Be Legal': Personal Viewpoint

Primarily, this essay concerns a debate on why abortion should be legal. Markedly, abortion is terminating a pregnancy with an induce approach, and this leads to the destruction of the fetus or the embryo. Notably, proponents of abortion are pro-choice. To this end, they argue that it is a woman's right to choose to procure an abortion and, therefore, the religious or governmental authority should not limit women from accessing this right. Moreover, proponents of abortion opine that when there is no legal option, women will always resort to illegal and unsafe abortions. Conversely, opponents of abortion are pro-life. To this end, they argue that life starts at conception or fertilization, and, therefore, abortion is the immoral murder of a human being who is innocent. Moreover, opponents opine that abortion leads to suffering to the unborn child and that it is unfair at all costs. You need to note that this essay or debate is pro-choice, and it will, therefore, present a discussion that abortion should be legal.

Existing information on abortion in Australia reveals that several Australian laws are in support of abortion. Also, abortion rates have declined in Australia by 13.5 % for every 1,000 women meaning the total terminations are 65,000 in a year. The other thing that we need to note is that some societies, in some cases, have entirely permitted abortion. Considerably, these societies have put in place certain circumstances when abortion is permissible. Towards that end, I come to my first point as to why abortion should be legal. Abortion should be legal for purposes of the health of the mother, including her mental health. Again, abortion should be permitted in the case where pregnancy results from various classes of crime, such as child abuse, incest, and rape. These crimes cause unwanted pregnancies, and it would, therefore, be prudent to terminate them at all costs. Another reason why abortion should be legal is when the pregnancy and the subsequent birth of a child would cause unacceptable qualities of life. Such unacceptable conditions include genetic problems, physical handicaps, and mental effects that are all severe. Besides, I want to point out that abortion should be legalized for social reasons. These social reasons include the inability of the mother to cope or to support a child, poverty, and the young age of the mother, thereby unable to cope with a child. Again, I want people to consider existing government policies that support abortion. Examples of such policies include legalizing abortion to regulate population size and to improve the population. With such systems in place, I, therefore, opine without fear of contradiction that abortion should be legal.

Moving forward, it is my humble suggestion that procuring abortion to save the life of a mother, and subsequently, her health is morally acceptable more so when health professionals envisage the actual risk of severe damage to the mother. We also need when women are allowed to procure abortion as a result of reproductive choice; they are empowered, thereby enabling them to have control over their bodies and their life as well. Therefore, as per this statement, I strongly support that abortion should be legal. To this end, I infer that the choice of whether and when to bear children is central to the ability and the independence of a woman to determine her future state. The other reason I suggest that abortion should be legal is that professionally and legally performed abortion reduces death and injury resulting from illegal and unsafe abortions. While preparing for this speech, I deduced that contemporary abortion procedures and methods do not cause long terms health issues such as infertility and cancer, and they are safe as well. Besides, research has increasingly revealed that women who perform abortions have a likelihood of not suffering from mental related health issues that women who refused abortions. People choose abortion to overcome unwanted pregnancies, to protect women from financial disadvantages caused by uncontrolled pregnancies, to control population, to reduce welfare costs to those who pay taxes, and also to reduce crime. Moreover, people resort to abortion to plan their families, more when contraception fails or when contraception is not available.

At this point, I come to the final phase of the essay about should abortion be legal. I want to recap that abortion should be legal. As such, I strongly support women have a fundamental right to make choices concerning their reproductive health, which is then associated with their physical, emotional, and mental health. Abortion should be legal for various reasons. Some of these reasons include abortion reduces crime, abort is used to regulate and to control population, and abortion is a way of eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Abortion also saves the life and the health of a mother, especially when the life of the mother is in danger due to pregnancy complications. Overall the pros of abortion should be legal to override the cons!

10 October 2022
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