William Morris – One Of The Most Prominent British Textile Designers

William Morris had many occupations when he was living in the United Kingdom, but his most noticeable one was him being a British textile designer. He believed that ever since the industrial revolution started, things started to become more machine like, with less color and feeling into them. Morris had an idea that made him realize the people of his nation were needing after all, real vibrant art at home! He's had quite an eventful life, but his impact on people has changed the way wars have ended and people at home viewing things in a new way.   Morris was born on March 24, 1834 in Walthamstow. He came from a wealthy, middle class family, so he wasn't poor and has a stable home environment. 14 years later, he went to MArlborough College, where he learned all the necessities of trees, flowers and birds and formed an interest in architecture. 5 years after that, Morris went to Exeter College, in Oxford, where he met a group of individuals that had the minds of good poets and artists. After graduating from college, he had a change of mind and decided to become an artist instead.   William Morris made his own firm called the firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. , manufacturers and decorators. Morris then became interested in Norse mythology and began to have a hobby of translating Icelandic sagas. Morris's life had a lot of event that led up to him became a well known designer in the fabric arts. His art created gateways that helped people be satisfied with the way they are living.   One of his famous designs for textile is called the 'Strawberry Thief'. It's a design of birds stealing fruit from his old home garden. To purchase this textile, cost a lot to the majority of the people, but the design made up for the high price and was brought anyway. The cotton design was used for curtains or draped around walls. It would be a beauty to see something like that in your home. William Morris has been an influential man with his words and actions throughout his lifetime. From becoming an artist to being a social activist in the British Arts and Crafts Movement, Morris has made a huge impact to the people and society. Today, his designs are still being used in hotels and plazas around the globe. All his hard work has been paid off.

10 December 2020
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