Women Self Defence Smart Watch Development Using IOT

In the present case, providing protection to women from the issue of female harassment is an important goal. Women around the world are facing immoral physical harassment. Safety of women is still a major issue as the number of crimes and harassment on women and girls is increasing day by day. In this era of technology, mobile phone is one of the gadgets that almost everyone likes and uses to maintain contact with family and friends. All they need is a device that can be easily carried everywhere. This proposed paper works for a man with a rapid response, cost protection system, and especially for women, using which a woman in agony can call for help with the press of a button on this smart gadget. Self-defense module for women safety is like smart watch for women safety. It has the potential to help women with technologies that are embedded in a compact device. It has the potential to help women with technologies that are embedded. It is specially designed for female safety and protection. It has a control button which the women use to inform the nearest police when in distress. When this watch is activated, it connects directly to the satellite via GPS. The location is then transferred via GSM, it also has a shock mechanism to produce non-fatal electric shock in emergency situations to stop the attacker.

Women's safety is becoming a common issue day by day, such apps exist, and they are equally smart to seize the victim's phone. Therefore the strategy to switch to anindependent hardware is centered in our project. This paper focuses on a security system designed to provide security only to women so that they never feel helpless while facing such social challenges. An advanced system can be built that can detect the location and health status of a person who is able to take action based on electronic devices like GPS, body temperature sensor, pulse rate sensor, motion sensor and IoT Will do. We can use the number of sensors to accurately detect real-time conditions Women in severely abusive situations.It helps protect and call resources so that dangerous situations can be avoided. The main purpose of the system is to provide safety and security. Women are not safe even today as an independent nation. There should be some effective measures to protect women. Nowadays many applications for women safety have been developed, but the main drawback of these applications is that the initial interaction of women is required and this situation is not possible.This application uses and protects the pulse reading of the women. If she is in danger Emergency messages are sent to the family member and the nearest police station along with the GPS location of the victim. Also this emergency message is sent on the application, so it provides social platform.

Aim of the proposed algorithm is to hel women by the technologies that are embedded in it. Smart Watch for Women is specially designed for women safety. When the supply is given the device will turn on.GPS and GSM connected to ATMEGA also start working and it displays the current position of device. Then with the help of GPS the location (latitude and longitude) of the victim is detected and is displayed on the LCD. When the victim feels danger, he/she presses the first emergency key, the kit displays emergency situation and voice kit is enabled. Now the victim gives voice command and it is recognized by the kit. If the voice command matches with the one stored in database then appropriate action takes place. Integrated smart watch with smart phone has an additional advantage to reduce Device costs and reduced size also. GPS and IoT can be used as smart Phone. It also enables low power usage and with whom the clock can be installed a single charge works for several days. Temperature according to age group. If an unusual value is encountered, a warning message will be sent to women possessing a wearable device, considering certain situations such as whether she may be under stress or jogging. If she does not respond within the given time, 3 alert messages will be sent to her family members, her friends, the nearest police station as well as your GPS location. But if he replies that he is fine then the flow of the system will stop working normally. A day when the media broadcasts more achievements of women than harassment, it is an achievement Obtain! Since we (humans) cannot give a suitable answer in serious situations, there is a need for a device that automatically senses and saves the victim, this letter is an undertaking of our consideration. We have a device that is an integration of multiple devices, the hardware includes a wearable 'smart band / watch' that constantly communicates with smart phones that have access to the Internet. The application is programmed and loaded with all the necessary data including human behavior and various situations such as anger, fear, and anxiety. It generates a signal that is transmitted to the smart phone.

Such an idea is the first of its kind that automatically plays an important role towards ensuring female safety in the fastest way. The proposed design will deal with the important issues faced by women in recent times and help them to be resolved through technically sound gadgets. With further research and innovation, it can be applied in various areas of security and surveillance. The system can perform real-time monitoring of the desired area and detect violence with a good accuracy. In the current global scenario, the major question in the mind of every girl, given the ever increasing increase in the issues of female harassment in recent times, is mostly about her safety and security. It generates a signal that is transmitted to the smart phone. The software or application has access to GPS and messaging services, which are pre-programmed in such a way that whenever it is an emergency


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24 May 2022
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