Abortion Persuasive Statement: Women Should Have a Right!

Within an abortion persuasive essay in which the author make an accent on this controversial topic. “The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened” – John F. Kennedy. This quote is a splendid representation of what the repression of women’s rights to abortion mean to the society at large. For centuries the rights of a woman have always been second place, and abortion laws fall along a continuum from outright prohibition to without restriction as to reason. There has been numerous feminine lobbyists for decades fighting for ’pro-choice’, which is basically the right to decide whether or not to have an abortion. This has been met with vehement pushback from governments, part and in fact because the persons within these positions have ties with Christianity, which is the forerunner for anti-abortion campaigns. I strongly believe that women should have the sole right to an abortion as they should have absolute control over their own body and be able to make impartial decisions for their social and economic life; there are however persons who view abortion as a ‘free pass’ and would argue that a woman must face the responsibility of pregnancy.

A person’s body is unequivocally exclusive and a decision as particular as abortion that can have massive implications on an individual’s life should be fundamentally given to the woman who has to bear the weight and result of this decision. A woman is foremost a person, and not a container for a fetus, as such, she should be allowed all the rights that come with being a human being with regards to her own body and well-being. Arguments that are put forth to circumvent the woman’s decisions always has an “all life matters” focal point. Does the woman not have a ‘life’? The government and anti-abortion church groups consistently induce the masses to restrict abortion by trying to demonize the woman that is trying her best, in a difficult situation, to make the right decision for her ‘life’. In the article “Abortion Worldwide 2017: Uneven Progress and Unequal Access” it highlights that in countries which restrict abortions, 3.7% of women that get pregnant goes through with the abortion just the same, and ironically this is in developing regions such as Jamaica.

Whether it be personal health safety, fear of unemployment and living below the poverty line, women have various economic and personal reasons in wanting to abort a pregnancy. The creation of systems that facilitate a woman’s freedom and availability to do abortion will reduce the chances of infertility and other lasting health problems. Persons naturally develop defiance when being forced into a decision without their consent. The decision to expel a fetus from the body is very personal, and refusing a woman this right may lead to unwanted children that will grow up without the proper maternal care. The willful slighting of a woman’s decisions can cause her to develop a compelling defiance for the abortion law system, which can turn into negligence for the baby once it is born.

Despite evidence to the contrary that is mentioned in persuasive essay on abortion, many have argued that a woman should accept the responsibility of getting pregnant and not have a free pass out of the situation regardless of social and economic challenges, as they are extensively robbing the society of a potential pioneer. In a gleaner article published by Hall 2019 “Mother up!”, it states that women use the argument of medical complications as a fallacy to claim making abortion legal will make them safe. This is a view that is used in tandem with ancient Christian laws to bolster the anti-abortion stance. We have a saying in Jamaica “weh goat guh, kid follow”; a survey done by the Johnson Survey Research Limited showed that more than 60% of Jamaicans don’t believe the abortion laws should be changed, regardless of the circumstances of how the woman got pregnant. Additionally the Jamaican law has criminalized abortions, with the woman libel for up to life in prison, while the person carrying out the abortion can be imprisoned for up to 5 years. Very strong laws indeed to curb the unlawful act of abortion within the nation.

The view that women will become more reckless with their decisions if given the right to have a sole decision on an abortion is banal and superficial. A person that is forced into a decision that is against their wishes is even more susceptible to behaving in an irrational manner towards the situation. In psychology this is classified as reactance, and is an unpleasant motivational arousal to rules/regulations that threaten specific behavioral freedoms. We cannot expect women to just roll over and accept laws that are infringe upon their rights as humans. Medical intelligence has advanced tremendously to essentially disrepute the statement that abortion causes infertility, additionally, being able to decide on the terms and timeline of a pregnancy provides the woman with a stronger mental fortitude to endure the arduous stresses of pregnancy.

To conclude persuasive essay about abortion, let us trust our women to make this decision, they deserve to be in control of their life and an abortion is an incredible personal experience. We must find ways to accommodate and aid women who have to bear the burden of choosing between their current unborn child, and securing a better socio-economic life for their future child/children.

08 December 2022
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