Analysis Of Emma Goldman's Views On The State And Society

In my opinion, Goldman was correct in her assertion that the theory which opposes interference of the state in the light in the affairs of individual rights (individualism) was common held belief that is false in America in the light of the economic and industrial revolution of Goldman's time. In early American Society, it was a majority rule. People were not that educated and blindly trusted there corrupt leaders. Quantity was more important than quality. As Goldman said ideals, principles and justice were swamped by the numbers (quantity). Individualism was not a reason for success, majority became a measure of success. If a leader have majority mass he'll overdo other politicians even if he was causing destruction to the society.

Goldman claims that uncontrolled majority is a danger to society because in her opinion when it comes to politics, people follow the majority rule and blindly believes the leader. Even when the leaders are corrupt and unjust, they are successful because of the vast majority support. She believes majority has no judgement and can't make any independent decisions. While individual people are the creative one. I do believe with the idea of Goldman that original ideas get lost due to majority and it's unfair. I believe that decisions should be made considering the rights of everybody within the society even if majority of people does not agree with the decision. Sometimes in order to satisfy the unrestrained majority, leaders make policies without thinking about the rights of the minorities. Sometimes minorities are neglected in our society. All American should have same rights. Having said that, if the majority consist of educated leaders they can make a big difference in a society. People like Martin Luther King Jr. are great example of excellent and remarkable leadership. So, it depends majority could be danger to society and it rights if leaded by wrong leaders and supported by uneducated people but at the same time if the leaders are like Martin Luther then everyone rights will be full filled.

Goldman's is against the idea of mass majority and thinks it causes destruction to the society. People follow quantity more than quality. She believes individuals are more intelligent and have original creative ideas than majority who just follow one leader without judging or questioning his/her decisions. Majority don't have their own opinions or ideas. In her opinion, mass majority should be broken up because they can never be just or fair. I do not believe that. I think so majority can be a very strong subject to bring a change in society if leaded the right way. For example, at first majority of people in America did not believed in same sex marriages and it was banned in all of the states. But, now considering the rights of the minorities (same-sex people) majority of Americans started supporting same sex marriages and it became a privilege instead of something that was not accepted by our society before. Today in United States majority is making a lot of changes and have different sets of ideas and creativity. It is true people tend to follow majority, but we live in society where everyone is independent and educated to make their own decisions and to fight for their own rights.

15 July 2020
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