Analysis of What is Freedom and Its Meaning in the Modern World

Nowadays, not all the people get their freedom to choose something they like, to be who they want to be, and to treat right like human like others because of the unjust and lawless people. We all want to be free. Free to express our emotions and dramas in life, to choose the course that we want, choosing your own religion, and be who we want to be. So what is freedom? Is a democratic country have a freedom? The right freedom they want to achieve? Freedom to choose something without hindrances? This what is freedom essay will briefly consider this issue. 

Freedom is the right to choose what you want without any hindrances. According to Merriam Webster, freedom is the quality or state of being free which mean that you yourself is free. Not like “I am free so I don’t have to wash the dishes and wash my clothes” line just because you’re free to do what you want. Having a freedom is such a wonderful blessing or right that we have to cherish and give importance because not all us have given this right but it has a limitation. Having a freedom means you must act with morality. Act as human, act with knowledge and act like you volunteer because this will determine that the doer has a freedom to act with good intentions or bad. Also having a freedom means you act by the law where citizens afforded with rights such as freedom of expression, liberty of abode, right to educate, right to work and etc., but like our country which has democratic society, most people didn’t get their freedom and right treatment for not all of us are rich that could make the innocent people a criminal and has an unjust and unfair law. Where poor people are always at the bottom and the rich are at the top. Also having a freedom means you can choose what you want like in choosing your own course or religion and many more. Freedom is like when you are in a situation which you have to choose the right thing to do or the bad. Cause if you choose the bad then not is freedom or you are not free. The true meaning of freedom is doing what’s right and must do or choosing what’s right or what you must choose.

So, I just hope that when the right time comes all the country and all of us can deserve the freedom and rights that we want to achieve. Treating people like they’re human not like a trash or dog, judge equally and fair also no one will be at the bottom but all are at the top. Live free doing right not living like a puppet that doing just what his/her master says. Feel free to show yourself or who you really are. And lastly be free living with your love ones, your family, friends and other people cherishing your moments and memories through the years that you spent with them. 

05 January 2023
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