Analysis Of Winston Churchill’s Leadership Through Machiavelli’s The Prince

The great leader of the United Kingdom in 1945, Winston Churchill, was a British politician of the conservative, then liberal party, and leader during World War II. Churchill was born into a rich aristocratic family, giving him an education, but he did not achieve good grades in school. However, Churchill was fascinated by military, leading him to join the British cavalry. While serving in the cavalry he took up journaling as a part time job, beginning his popularity as a writer. Churchill quickly rose in rank, and became a well respected and known being in Britain. As he began to give speeches and rise as a journalist he saw the opportunity to take the task of becoming the prime minister of England, after the resignation of Naville Chamberlain. Winston Churchill throughout his leadership, shows many characteristics of the typical leader, but he also shows many of the traits Machiavelli considers to be the ideal leader.

In the seventeenth chapter of Machiavelli’s The Prince it says “I say that every prince must desire to be considered merciful and not cruel” (Machiavelli 68), Niccolo is saying that rulers should long to be a kind ruler and not a tyrant who oppresses his or her people. A ruler who is kind and merciful to his people will live out his days loved by his people, but a ruler who oppresses his people will quickly lose his power or even strike fear into his people leading them to desire to leave his kingdom. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” (John Quincy Adams). If a leader causes his followers to do new things, learn new things, and dream new things he is leading his people well. But if a leader causes his people to fear him, and not trust him, he is not leading his people correctly. He should want his people to succeed in life and carry out the kingdom’s lifetime. Winston Churchill was considered to be an inspiring and charismatic leader at the time. “He did not just hate tyranny, but despised it, and when Adolf Hitler became a force in Nazi Germany that is ready to invade Britain, Churchill stood out as the only man the nation trusted”, While in leadership one must have trust in his people and his people in him. Churchill despised tyranny helping him succeed as a superior leader.

Chapter nineteen’s title says “That we must avoid being despised and hated” (Machiavelli 76) this means that if one becomes a leader in his or her lifetime he should seek to be loved and not despised, by helping the people and not leaving them to be on their own. Leaving his people vulnerable will force them to lose their trust to him, causing them to leave his kingdom. Winston Churchill gave a name to his people, who wanted to fulfill his goals. Churchill’s people wanted to carry out their leaders goals, which is needed to be a reasonable leader. Churchill even wore top hats and bow ties and smoked cigars to increase his credibility distinguishing his leadership from other current leaders of that time. Churchill being loved by his people showed many of these traits helping him be loved by his people. Churchills displays these characteristics forming him into a follower of Machiavelli’s advice.

Machiavelli says that in order to gain reputation a prince must act to achieve it. Machiavelli is saying that to achieve getting a good reputation, one must act and do things that support his reputation. Winston Churchill created his good reputation by having passion to see the betterment of his people and country. Regardless of what some of the people in England said about how he lead the country, Churchill he still wanted to achieve the best for his people. As Machiavelli stated to gain a good reputation a prince must act to achieve it, Churchill shows many of these traits in Machiavell’s book. Winston Churchill loved by his people and his allies, worked with to defeat Germany in WWII. Churchill is still known as one of the greatest leaders in history, for his trustworthiness and for being inspiring leader.

Winston Churchill, leader, politician, soldier, journalist, he did it all, but the most amazing thing he did was lead his people the correct way, help others outside his country, and also help create peace in Europe. Doing all these things, Churchill became and still is one of the most respected “rulers” of history. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” (John Quincy Adams), Churchill’s actions inspired many young and upcoming generations to do the unthinkable, and earn new things, do new things, and dream new things to begin the new world. Winston Churchill throughout his leadership, shows many characteristics of the typical leader, but he also shows many of the traits Machiavelli considers to be the ideal leader. 

16 August 2021
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