Benefits And Drawbacks Of Homework

Nowadays, homework is good and also necessary, but there is a point when too much of a good thing has a negative effect on the student. This causes the student’s regular time study to become less productive and the student can also suffer from disrupted family life. The good and necessary things about homework are that it strengthened what student has learnt during study in regular class hours because with homework the student have to think for themselves the teacher is not there to help. This causes the student to build confidence. Although the benefits of homework are obvious it is also true that too much of a good thing can cause problems for the student because of over tiredness and not having time for family social events. The kind of family and relatives.

I remember one family event in particular that I could not take park in because of an excess of school work. Recently my parents planned and arranged for a long weekend visit to Kanchanaburi. When it was arranged, I thought it would be possible for me to go along, but us students were given some projects and homework only one week before the planned trip to Kanchanaburi. Because it meant that i couldn’t go, i was very sad. My mother was angry because she had already paid for accommodation and other expenses and it was too late to cancel and get the money back.

Another drawback of too much homework, is that student don’t get the ideal amount of sleep required for a healthy, functional body. For a student to do well in school, they need to be well rested, so that they are able to focus in class. This will ensure that they understand what they are studies, rather than just copying notes from a board or mindlessly reading out notes from headnotes. I explicitly remember one such time last week when I was working on an assignment until 2 a. m. I had woken up at 6 p. m. that morning, just like any other day. We had P. E. lesson that day, when the class played volleyball out in the sun. After school, I had my regular ballet practice so I didn’t get home until 9 p. m. that day. I had dinner with family, showered and began doing my homework at 10 p. m. Now, I am usually asleep by 11 p. m. ; however, as I had homework from Math and Biology class, in addition to preparing for my presentation in History class, I couldn’t go to sleep early. By the time I finished all my homework, it was almost 2 a. m. Setting my alarm, for 6 a. m. , I want to sleep instantly. The next day at school was a blur to me and although I managed to submit all my assignments, I was dull and enthusiastic for my presentation in History class. The teacher misunderstood my fatigue for disinterest and gave me a low score for the delivery criteria.

Last but not least, too much homework may have deteriorating effect on a student’s health. These days, most school encourage the use of technology for our homework as they believes it better equips the student for a completely I. T. - dependent professional future. Even though this is beneficial for us, the long hours of staring at screens can cause serious eyesight impairment. Furthermore, the amount of time we spend hunched up at out computer or laptops causes various problems for our posture, as well as our dexterity. We can see in our societies that everyday more and more children between the age of 6 to 18 are wearing glasses, which can be credited partiality to how much we use computer in our school life. Moreover, this days schools seem to focus twice as much on academic subjects than they did before, as can be seems in the number of P. E. classes we have per week- 1. 5 hours total when compared to approximately 30 hours spent sitting at a desk, hunched our books or computers. This has caused many children to have bad posture and carpal tunnel syndrome at a very young age. It has our bodies unfit, where in our wrists often can’t support our weight in a yoga class or planking and we have to constantly be reminded to sit up straight.

To conclude, as earlier stated I believe homework can be good for building a student’s confidence and understanding of a subject. However, too much emphasis on academic comes at a cost of physical, social and functioned compromises, too much homework affect a lot on student’s sleep because the will spend a lot of time on their work and it begun of bad health. Schools should balance these out relatively for the most successful all-rounder student.

18 May 2020
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