Causes And Treatment Of Dog Arthritis
Unlike with human beings, dog arthritis is caused by an injury of a joint. This is an illness which is to be encountered more frequently with older animals, the explanation for this not being the age itself, but the fact that their bones are very sensitive. It is the animal’s weight that presses the joints, which is also why dog arthritis is more frequently encountered with heavier animals. Moreover, some of the causes of arthritis, such as hip or elbow dysplasia, are to be seen in big dogs, which grow up very fast. However, this is an illness which appears in all animals, regardless of their stature. In fact, studies show that twenty per cent of the cats in the United States of America all suffer from this illness.
Animals cannot tell us that they are hurting, but there are different ways of identifying this disease. The animal can present personality disorders, lack of energy when playing or it can have difficulties when climbing stairs or jumping. Moreover, if the animal sits by the walls and has trouble getting up, if it halts or is sensitive to touching, it should be taken to the veterinarian, who can treat it with dog supplements or using other methods, after diagnosing it.
One should never panic if their dog suffers from arthritis. The good news is that there are a lot of treatments to cure its pain. One of these methods is medication and the dog is also bound to lose some weight. The regular medicines to be administrated are analgesics, which allow the dog to move more freely and to put up with its pain. There are also exercises which can correct the position of a dog’s joints, so that the pain is reduced. The vet may even recommend the administration of fat Omega 3 acids to protect the heart, the liver and the kidneys. Furthermore, a lot of veterinarians recommend the administration of dog supplements, which ensure the protection of the cartilages. In fact, not only do these supplements protect the cartilages, but they also lead to the reduction of pain. The second part of the double treatment consists of the dog losing weight. Those who have dogs should pay attention to what their dogs feed on. Studies show that this is another method which causes the pain to decrease.
The best method to treat dog arthritis is to be chosen according to the stage and evolution of the illness. If the dog suffering from dog arthritis cannot be cured with medication, steroids or dog supplements, it can even go through arthroscopic surgery, so that the injured bones are removed. Acupuncture is also an option, as well as natural supplements, vitamins and anti-oxidants, while massage therapy relaxes and calms the pain in the joints and muscles. Even if being treated, dog arthritis can transform movement into a challenge. Therefore, the master should make a series of changes around the house in order for the dog to cope better with its illness. Indeed, the quality of the dog’s life can be affected, but there are always treatment options to recur to, which can make both the master’s and the dog’s life easier.