Problem Solving Mechanisms In An Organization

Over the years, there has been an increasing emphasis by organizations that are working day in and out in order to ensure that their problem solving mechanism is in place. The importance of having a stringent framework, in addition to the required tools and skills by the professionals working at these organizations is quite crucial for the overall functioning of the corporation. In the modern day and age, given the increasing need to be agile, and up to date with the continually evolving market dynamics, it becomes quite necessary for these corporations to have a strategic framework in place. This strategic framework is meant to create a much needed adaptive culture within the company; so that they are able to face any adversity, with confidence and zero reluctance in light of the changing the existing infrastructures that are in place.

In this regard, there have been numerous theories and pretexts that have been mentioned in order to highlight the current necessities to bring about the required change, and to instigate a positive change within the workforce, when it comes to tackling problems, in a binding constraint such as time or finance. The given articles have been selected to make sure that there is coherency about how different authors have approached creative problem solving, and how these issues have been dealt with by different authors across the course of time. As a matter of fact, the diverse work that has been done is proof of different methodological and theoretical approaches that have been taken over the past few years. Additionally, this has also been the rationale based on which the given articles have been selected.

Despite the fact that all of those articles have their own contributions toward a inculcating a problem solving attitude towards issues that might come up. Therefore, in this regard the work presented by Calma (2013), has been quite apt because of the fact that it addresses the issue at a grass root level. Problem solving mentality is something that needs to be nurtured, for a holistic allroscc development in this regard. Despite the fact that this learning is an ongoing process, if these behavioral traits are passed on to individuals at a basic level, it does have a potential to make a considerable impact in the long run. Hence, on strategic grounds, the work presented by Calma stands out.

As far as theoretical, methodological and practical contributions are concerned, there are numerous takeaways that can be absorbed in this aspect.

Theoretical Aspects

Basically this article is summarizes how generic skills are so important when it comes to ensuring that there is a stringent understanding of the overall business processes and problems, and how these issues are so crucial when it comes to managing the issues at the overall workplace.

Methodological Aspects

As far as methodological considerations are concerned the four generic skills in business undergraduate and graduate programs are examined – written communication; critical thinking; use of mathematical and statistical tools; and information literacy. A total of 341 individual student assessments were reviewed. The Data was collected from Bachelors, Masters and PhD Subjects, where individual assessments were duly reviewed.

Practical Contributions

However, findings were quite different as it showed that there were some loopholes that needed to be straightened in order to get a holistic approach and understanding of the skills that had to be developed over the course of time, in order for graduates turned professionals to be able to capitalize on these problems, and develop a mindset to approach these issues differently. Therefore, these rubrics were quite helpful in attaining the overall understanding of developing a framework to enable to company to approach these aspects differently.

Managerial creative problem solving

Theoretical Aspects

In this particular article, it can be seen that the authors worked towards identifying managerial creative problem solving and the Big Five personality traits. Managerial creativity, as mentioned before is a concept which is quite subjective, and quite contingent on the nature of work, the overall scope involved, and the type of industry one is in (since that really shapes the nature of the problems, and how can these problems be tackled efficiently).

Methodological Aspects

This particular theory proposes how different elements can be used in order to understand measure and predict managerial creativity. There are two different insights present in this theoretical framework, which are divergent-exploratory thinking, and convergent-interactive thinking. It was hypothesized that convergent-integrative thinking ability is predicted by high agreeableness. However, 137 adult participants completed two divergent-exploratory thinking managerial tasks and two convergent-integrative thinking managerial tasks and the Big Five Inventory.

Practical Contributions

All in all, this particular reading emphasizes about how these theories can be used to explain the overall mentality and mindset of individuals whenever they are confronted in a difficult, or an uncomfortable situation. Similarly, it measures traits like openness to change, agreeableness, and the extent to which these personality traits induce the decision making process. Therefore, these fundamental personality traits are quite important in shaping the overall exposure that individuals have the potential with to ensure that they are able to think creatively and out of the box.

The Future of Global Organizing

Theoretical Aspects

This article focuses on aspects about team work, and social set up within the company. It highlight how bringing people together in global teams from different organizational units and cultures creates the potential for experiential individual and team-based learning, while making the firm more flexible and adaptable.

Methodological Aspects

This study conducted a qualitative method. There are certain characteristic ways in which this particular study has been considered. Advancements in the study of global teams, leadership, process, and outcomes were organized into four main themes. Firstly, openness toward linguistic and value diversity as enhancing team creativity and performance. Secondly, knowledge sharing in team-based organizations. Then the significance of social capital for global team leader role success. Lastly, the last theme is about shared leadership, satisfaction, and performance links in global virtual teams. Subsequently, there were rubrics developed that helped them to be able to analyze the overall information at hand.

Practical Contributions

When implementing this idea, it could possibly lead to better environment for multicultural individuals. It also creates the potential for experiential individual and team-based learning, while making the firm more flexible and adaptable.

Compare and Contrast

In comparison of the three articles which have been mentioned, it can be seen that there are certain differences in all their methodological approaches, in order to determine how these articles are distinguished as to get to the right findings for the respective heads. Keeping aside differences in core methodologies, it can be seen that all articles are hinted towards achieving one common goal, which is of creating a simple understanding of how creative problem solving actually works in this case. They form a very viable combination of aspects, which can be included in order to get a holistic understanding as to how creative problem solving can be attained, using the theoretical frameworks present.

Calma, for one, addresses the issue at a very grass root and a basic level. As a matter of fact, it is quite apt in the sense that it talks about basic issues that need to be addressed when students are in the process of ‘developing’ or creating their own skills. On the other hand, it can be seen that Myszkowski et. al, take into account personal and individual differences that come to play, particularly in the sense that it addresses how personality traits can affect the overall though process when it comes to creative problem solving. It talks about how aspects within personality can be altered in lieu of getting a clear idea about areas that need to be worked on, and areas that could radically improve their performance over time.

Lastly, the last article by Zander, addresses the issue from inside out, in the sense that it talks about culture that exists, and how that culture is a predetermining factor when it comes to the overall ability of the corporation to think and act as a unit, to say the least. Therefore, this issue has to be taken from ground up, and it talks about how the internal dynamics of the organization can lead to this overall objective. However, the best implacable study is the first article. It presents the importance of the generic skills as being fundamental skills for business undergraduates. These skills should be acknowledged and improved to eventually improve the efficiency of these employees for their future organizations.


Hence, in light of the discussion mentioned above, it can be seen that there are numerous aspects which can be taken away as key insights from the theories discussed. As a matter of fact, it can be inferred that despite of the holistic aspects covered individually in the studies themselves, there are still certain differences which need to be duly adapted, and taken into consideration. These differences that exist in different setting can be seen under the light of issues that corporations mostly face, and how these issues can be addressed using the given skill set that the given company has. Therefore, it can be seen that creative problem solving, in itself is a concept which is quite delusional, because it is a journey, more than a destination. As a matter of fact, this journey is vested in the efforts of corporations, and how the leaders in these corporations play their role in defining their overall culture towards adapting to changes, and towards dealing with these changes.

03 December 2019
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