Conflict And Performance In R & D Organizations

In the large R&D laboratory consists of different stakeholders, such as managers, scientists, technicians, researchers, officers and assistants etc. They cooperate to achieve goals. Besides, they compete resources to accomplish tasks. Scientists pursues them own interests for different reasons then conflict arises. But is conflict totally bad for an organization, especially in R&D laboratory?

Since the R&D laboratory bears the responsibility for innovation. Conflict can overcome inertia, promote learning and change. And the end, it causes innovation and benefit to organization. We could view conflict through two dimensions which are horizontal and vertical (Brown 1979, cited in Chan 2015). [3] As horizontal conflict focus five aspects: task interdependence, goal incompatibility, bureaucratic factors, reward system incompatibility and resource scarcity (Jones 2001). Whereas vertical conflict focus four aspects: psychological distance, differences in power and status, differences in ideology and resource scarcity (Daft 2013). Let’s discuss horizontal conflict first.

Task interdependence: In the R&D, scientists depend on one another for materials, resources and information to complete their experiments. They have to frequently share and coordinate due to interdependent task. However, differences will increase when more interaction. Suggest to avoid selecting two parties with huge conflict to bear same development or project. Goal incompatibility: Different parties have different concerns and operating goals. For managers, they need to produce products on time. Whereas scientists concern products stability and safety. Suggest to have more meetings which can be increasing the integration of the project.

Bureaucratic factors: Since line functions (scientists) are directly involved in the production. Staff functions (officers and assistants) are responsible for advising and supporting. Therefore, bureaucratic factors leads conflict. Suggestion for solving this conflict by flattening the hierarchy and decentralizing authority.

Reward system incompatibility: Organization evaluates scientists on their ability to cut costs and improve production efficiency rather than their innovation. Suggest to establish procedures to voice complaints and comments.

Resource scarcity: Researchers and scientists often fight for capital, materials, space, equipment and human resources to complete their tasks. Suggest to rotate staff functional employees (officers and assistants) between research team and science team. Secondly, let’s discuss vertical conflict.

Psychological distance: Scientists are more like workers, they perceive organizations not often concern their need. Suggest to have more informal gathering to increase friendship. This is a chance for opened speak with relaxing atmosphere. Differences in power and status: scientists are far away from decision making let them feel alienated and helpless. Suggest to increase their vote chances and count the influence in accordance with their ranking level.

Differences in ideology: Scientists and managers differ in the purpose and goals of organizations. Suggestion for them both should review the mission and vision which is not subjective and on the right way.

Resource scarcity: Scientists argue that resources, salary, benefits and working conditions is far behind from managers. Suggest to audit regularly to reduce the difference and arrange resource productively.

15 Jun 2020
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