Dear Diary - Examples of Personal Writing

Dear Diary,

I have something terrible to tell you. Wait… I haven’t even introduced myself. Let me start over….

Dear Diary,

My name is Anna and I have never written in a diary before, I saw dear diary examples how to start writing, but it seems that it's not my style of sharing thoughts. Anyways I have something horrible to tell you! The Black Death hit our village and I’m seeing horrible things happening everywhere. It is 1347 and I hope I make it to my birthday but with all these things happening I feel like I won’t make it. People say that this plague is is very deadly, and came to us by men who had caught it when sailing back from the Mediterranean. Papa has been so busy working as a serf for the Lord so he has given me this diary to write in. I wish he had more time for me but Papa says working as a serf needs hard work to provide for us. The Black Death brought 3 specific plagues to my village: bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, septicemic plague. These plagues have every go with there own symptoms. The bubonic plague’s systems embrace fever, headaches, painful aching joints, nausea, vomiting, and a general feeling of unease. Out of each one that is obtaining this plague three out of 5 folks have passed away already. Its mortality rate varies from thirty to seventy-five percent. The pneumonic plague is that the second most typically seen. Its rate varies from ninety to ninety-five. A number of the symptoms that this plague includes were fever, cough, and blood-tinged liquid body substance because the sickness got worse the liquid body substance became free-flowing and bright red once it came out. Yuck! Papa told me that he saw it come out with his own two eyes! The Black Death also includes the septicemic plague that is that the least usually seen throughout the village and includes a rate of just about 100%. This plague includes symptoms of high fever and purple skin patches. These plagues not solely covers our whole village however additionally it coated several of Europe and Asia.

I have seen youngsters being left behind all over. Folks are fleeing for his or her lives, and are at the purpose wherever they don't seem to be involved with their youngsters. I couldn't possibly watch. I have tried to travel to the Church and pray concerning what's occurring, however, all of the clergies and even the powerful Church are trying to find a solution in what to do. I just want to go far away from here as possible but I do not want to leave Papa and Aunt Charlotte. I failed to contact the plague, and I’m still hoping to remain safe whereas serving to others in my village.

The Black Death has already drained a minimum of 30 to 60% of Europe’s population. Our village was left almost half empty, so it is very hard for the rest of us to bear with this as we are attempting to eliminate the plague and repopulate the full village whereas attempting to keep invaders out of our land. So I pray to God to make this plague go away and make our life to the way it was before.

That is all for now diary,


10 October 2022
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