Discussion Whether Is Graffiti Art or Vandalism


The paper is graffiti art or vandalism essay is seeks to reveal the topic to to put an end to this matter. When someone says graffiti, the first thing that comes to my mind is “Street Art”, most would say vandalism but in my opinion there's a difference between defiling a building's rear and a beautiful and impactful piece of art. Just as there are various forms of everything, graffiti has different forms too and tagging is one of them. Since 'tagging' is primarily a way of denoting an area using spray paint and aggressive words, no one agrees with using tags as an art form. Graffiti on the other hand, is a form of art displaying expression, it is diverse and makes an impactful statement. Graffiti is more than just offensive language or illustrations. Graffiti cannot be vaguely considered as vandalism because graffiti is an art form that is able to transform a horrific area into an eye-catching location, although graffiti and their artists have now been classified as vandals by the higher society, people who pollute the city with their opinions and emotions in the form of graffiti.

Body of Argument

Graffiti is an art form which is arranged into elements that affects the audience's senses and emotions greatly in a positive manner. This allows people to freely express their thoughts without restriction or action. Usually graffiti artists just need to outline their idea and a can of spray paint which is also affordable to express themselves, while other graffiti artists express their political issues in an attempt to be heard and perhaps create an impact.

This from of art, “Graffiti” is not only used to express yourself, but to express various techniques, skills and also anyone can do it, gender, social status, creed, or race isn’t seen while the art is created or after, the art is also mostly anonymous, but artists do sign on or under the art to show themselves. There are artists in nearly every country who are influenced by other styles and cultures making a boiling pot of melting cultures all over social media giving birth to a body of urban art that is created all over the world. Tourists visiting locations with street art and appreciating it has generated a positive outcome and changed spaces into a center of creative human interaction and vivacity.

Graffiti is one of the most prominent art forms, in all inclusive sorts of art that makes a loud assertion, this kind of artwork expressiveness has been born from miscellaneous ends among which political and social themes have prevailed from. Graffiti is a way to give life to various outdoors locations like; buildings, parking lots, bridges, bus and train stations. It also allows one's historical and cultural views towards society and politics to be heard. It is a developing art form which is influencing other artists who not only do graffiti but other art forms like; photography, graphic designing, advertising illustration and multimedia, technology has graffiti now moved from the streets into private collections and galleries. Famous graffiti artists are now being paid to turn not only public but private walls into enormous fast cars or panoramic murals.

Artists now don't only paint on walls but also glass panels, canvas or large sheets of paper to attract the attention of collectors and art dealers. Famous graffitis are also sold in auctions nowadays because of their impact and colors, these art pieces are fought for by people in higher society. Graffiti in Exhibitions explores how graffiti moved from painted walls to print media, creating unique and immersive visual effects in the process. Governments must not stop graffiti artists from doing what they love, but show courage to use their art in exhibitions. It's very difficult to stop people from doing what they love to do.

Counter Argument

Everyone loves to praise aesthetically pleasing art and scenery, but some graffiti represents the population with offensive, provocative, and vulgar artistic expressions which can exert a negative influence on the younger population. Graffiti is known to be a free art expression, although freedom should be an act of respect and consideration for the public, and it is illegal to display provocative graffiti in public places without the consent of the owner. If graffiti is an art, it must be done correctly and legally. However what people usually see is “tagging” which is appalling scribbles people see drawings or scratches on bus or train stops, bridges or parking lots. That's why people don't like such chaotic scribbles which is called “tagging” but graffiti, the actual art form has much more to say and it has some beauty, beautiful colors, and a powerful message. It is the way people express their opinions about the world. Whether people like it or not, graffiti is considered an art, not tagging.

For the most part, graffiti is considered a crime because of the dangers graffiti artists or writers face when making graffiti, and the speed and efficiency of creating art has helped define the figure itself. However, many people around the world recognize graffiti as a true art form and now offer a legitimate venue. Below are 8 spots around the world where graffiti is encouraged:

Hosier Lane, Melbourne, Australia

It is a popular attraction for tourists and other graffiti artists. This place encourages graffiti and is also featured in tour guides and advertising campaigns. Banksy (a famous graffiti artist) even went so far as to tag her on her own work here.

Warsaw, Poland

Local police have no problem with graffiti. The place is intended for artists to mark their art such as graffiti in the space provided.

Queens, New York, United States

This place is free to the public and is almost covered in graffiti. Graffiti artists posting work here must be licensed by Curator Meres One.

Paris, France

There are various legal graffiti sites in France. The graffiti society is very strict about their graffiti territories and are not daunted of being confronted.

Taipei, Taiwan

Graffiti isn’t illegal as such here, but the artists get confronted by the police only when the owners of the private property complain or the space is destroyed.

Zürich, Switzerland

This place is run by an individual graffiti artist and it is left out of town. It is now a cultural center and one of the few places where graffiti is invigorated and legal.

Sydhavnen, Copenhagen, Denmark

This place is where graffiti happens and individual art pieces don’t happen to stay for long as they are painted over by another artist perhaps due to the demand of the place.

Venice, California, United States

This space is known worldwide because it is famous for graffiti artists to show their talent by creating an art piece on their emotions, social or political views.


With many people against graffiti it prevents graffiti artists from painting murals on their property, citizens usually misuse the label 'taggers” who are people that spray paint offensive messages. While many artists usually do what they love by painting walls, some anti-graffiti citizens attack the artists brutally.

The government must spend money and provide a legal area for graffiti artists to continue their work. The government prefers to spend money on erasing illegal works of art that can be recreated in the same place, perceived as low cost and social harm to artists, rather than spending money on creative educational improvements with long-term consequences.

05 January 2023
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