Nourish Your Body, Nourish Your Life: A Guide to Healthy Eating

More and more people are considering healthy eating for the sake of their health. But what does a healthy diet actually look like? This is “don't eat less eat right essay” in which this topic will be considered. 

What does healthy eating mean?

There is no uniform definition for this. First of all, the term 'healthy' has to be considered a little closer. This means that the daily intake of food should consist of foods that provide nutrients that the body needs to maintain its daily function . But the choice of food plays a decisive role here. Overall, the menu should contain more plant-based products such as fruit, vegetables or legumes than animal foods such as meat, milk and dairy products. The choice of drinks is also part of a healthy diet. Other factors, such as getting enough exercise, contribute just as much to a healthy life as diet.

The combination of all these factors can also be described as a balanced diet. Balanced in the sense of a balance between the intake of essential nutrients in the right amount and an overall healthy lifestyle that includes a lot of exercise , a healthy stress level and moderate consumption of luxury foods (alcohol, cigarettes).

How does a healthy diet work?

With the latest scientific findings and studies from the past, the topic 'How do I eat properly?' repeatedly discussed controversially. While some prefer to rely on their own experiences and needs of the body, there are others who jump on every diet trend such as low carb or paleo. However, the German Nutrition Society developed a good guideline for a healthy diet a long time ago. This comprises ten rules, which we have summarized for you below:

Use variety of foods: There is a very large selection of foods that make our menu quite varied and also replenish our nutrient balance. Because no food has all the nutrients to offer. However, the majority of your daily diet should consist of plant-based foods. Animal products such as milk and meat are more likely to be seen as “side dishes”.

Five times fruit and vegetables a day: The DGE recommends three servings of vegetables (around 400 grams) and two servings of fruit (around 250 grams) per day. Legumes such as beans and lentils are also part of it and their fiber ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Dried fruit can also replace a serving of fruit. However, this should be smaller because the calorie content is higher.

Consume whole grain products: Foods such as pasta, rice or even flour made from whole grain are much richer in fiber and nutrients than white flour products. They not only ensure a longer satiety, but also contain many more important nutrients such as minerals and trace elements. Even potatoes that are not highly processed products (prepared meals like chips or hash browns are not really suitable because of the high fat content), are a very good carbohydrate supplier.

Animal products as a supplement: Animal foods such as sausage and meat products, fish as well as milk and dairy products are to be seen as a supplement to the plant-based component of the menu and are especially important for the requirement of vitamin B12 . Milk and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt should be consumed daily as they are an important source of calcium. Calcium is important for building bones and teeth. The DGE also recommends eating fish once or twice a week due to the iodine and omega-3 fatty acid content. For the weekly meat consumption, it should not be more than 300 to 600 grams of sausage and meat products (depending on the calorie requirement). Eggs should also be eaten in moderation.

Prefer healthy fats: These are mainly found in plant-based products. Animal fats mostly contain saturated fatty acids, which can have a negative impact on our blood fat. There are more unsaturated fatty acids in vegetable fats. These have many positive effects on our health. It is also important to pay attention to hidden fats that can be found in sausage products, for example.

Sugar and salt in moderation: Sugar is not only high in calories, but also contains no nutrients. Excessive sugar consumption increases the risk of diabetes and obesity. Sugar alternatives like dried fruit or honey can be a good alternative. Salt should also not be consumed in excessive amounts. The DGE recommends not more than 6 grams per day, as salt increases blood pressure and removes water from the body.

Drink plenty of water: A sufficient daily intake of fluids is essential for the maintenance of the function of our body. The guideline for this is 1.5 to 2 liters per day. Water and unsweetened tea are particularly recommended here , as sweet drinks such as soft drinks or fruit juices contain unnecessary calories, a large amount of sugar and pose a risk of diabetes and obesity. Alcohol should also be consumed in moderation. For women, the DGE recommends not consuming more than 10 grams of alcohol and for men 20 grams (equivalent to half a liter of beer or 250 milliliters of wine) per day. However, daily consumption should be avoided as this increases the risk of cancer.

Gentle preparation: When preparing food, it is important to ensure that it is gentle and low in fat. Many vitamins and nutrients are soluble in water or sensitive to heat. Therefore, when heated or boiled in water (for example potatoes) important nutrients can be lost. Gentle preparation methods such as steaming or stewing are preferred. High-fat methods such as deep-frying should also not be used regularly.

Eating consciously and mindfully: Enjoying the meal and being aware of what is being eaten is an extremely essential factor in a healthy diet. It is also important to take enough time to eat and to consume the food slowly. Because only after 20 minutes does a feeling of satiety appear. So if you eat very quickly, you eat more food in the west. It is also beneficial to chew well to avoid making it too difficult for the stomach to digest.

Get enough exercise: Exercise is also part of a healthy diet. Depending on the job, you should exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day. What this looks like has to be decided individually (lose weight or keep weight). Sport is important for building muscle and can also be a great way to counterbalance stressful everyday life.

What does our body need to survive?

First of all, our body needs to be supplied with macronutrients - nutrients that are found in large quantities in food: carbohydrates , fats and proteins . Your daily food intake should consist of about 55 to 60 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent fat and 10 to 15 percent protein .

Carbohydrates make up the main part, as they provide us with the energy we need and regulate our blood sugar. Complex, i.e. nutrient-rich carbohydrates such as lentils make them rise more slowly and thus satiate longer.

Proteins are also vital as they make up a large part of cells. Since our body cannot synthesize all proteins by itself, protein must be taken in through our food. This allows cells to be formed and renewed. They are also responsible for the formation of enzymes and hormones and are involved in numerous metabolic processes.

We cannot survive without fat either. Because fats provide us with essential fatty acids and ensure that certain vitamins can only be absorbed.

We also need the so-called micronutrients for essential processes in the body. These include minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium and vitamins such as vitamins B, C or folic acid.


Eating not only serves to satisfy our needs and to maintain the functionality of our body, it can also be a pleasure and connect people. However, when diet has an impact on our weight, it can also become a test of patience.

10 October 2022
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